
  1. U

    Intro - Newly pregnant w/ #1!

    Hi all! I JUST found out I was pregnant (officially, blood test) yesterday, so figured I'd put in my 2 cents! The doc's office didn't let me know how far along I was (or if the blood test even showed that), but based on my LMP/date(s) of BD, I estimate that I'm about 2 weeks along so far (in my...
  2. T

    Agony & Pain of Molar Pregnancies and Missed Pregnancy - What to do???

    I am super nervous. 5 years into marriage, by the Grace of Allah S.W.T, I got a daughter within first 8 months (pre-mature). We took a gap of 2 years and started again...First attempt and I was pregnant within first month but at 6 weeks came to know that its a 'Complete Molar Pregnancy' very...