
  1. R

    Pampers Childbirth Classes

    SO & I are going to watch these as a start. To gain access, we had to sign up for the website. I've never been a fan of such practices, so here are the Youtube links for those interested in watching. Class 1 Body Changes & Discomforts Class 2 Prenatal Health & Nutrition Class 3...
  2. N

    Is there any reason a stronger test very early on should be a concern?

    Here's my timeline: 4/20: MMC detected at 12w US 4/21: D&C 5/10: HCG blood test measured at 12 mIU/mL, a few days after I was testing negative on HPTs 5/23: First day of first period after D&C 6/4: Positive OPK (CD 13) 6/6: FF's guess at O day 6/14: Clear positive on FRER and easy@home...
  3. R

    Middle v side seat for carseat

    I am not sure what to do so I thought I would try to get some opinions. I need to decide whether to put the car seat in the middle with the seatbelt or on a side with the latch system. I drive a Honda Civic coupe (ie 2 door, not 4 door). (Please don't try to convince me to buy a new car!😂 I...
  4. G


    Guys. H&M baby clothes are real cute. Especially for boys.