
  1. B

    What can you get done while baby wearing?

    I have an 8 week old who finally is starting to like napping in our ergobaby. I was soooo excited that I wouldn’t have to do all contact naps sitting on the couch and I might actually be able to get some chores done! Well it turns out all I do is walk around and sway to keep him asleep. I try to...
  2. N

    Ergo omni 360 vs Embrace

    I am waiting for baby #2 (first LO will be 2 y.o by a week or so) For our first we used a baby bjorn for a week or two around 6-7 weeks before splurging on the ergo 360 omnibreeze. LO was 9 pounds at birth so he was a good chunk by then... I am not really in to wraps and wonder if I should buy...
  3. C

    Help me choose an SSC

    Hi! I have an 11 month old and up until now I have mostly used everything BUT an SSC (woven wraps, ring sling, onbuhimo, meh dai). But now that he’s getting bigger and reaching the “pick me up! No, put me down!” stage, the convenience of an SSC would be nice. I have a standard size kinderpack...
  4. G

    Toddler carriers

    I am in the market for a toddler carrier. It seems that Tula is one of the best brands. I checked on this site: , but Tula Toddler is not on it. Beco toddler is on the list but they only have 4.4 reviews on Amazon. In fact, there are close to none...