
  1. A

    Its all the same song..

    Since my son constantly sings them, I was trying to convince my wife that Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, the Alphabet Song, and Baa Baa Black Sheep are all the same song. She didn't quite believe me until I started singing this around the house... A B C D E F G, How I wonder what you are, One...
  2. P

    "Alright, today's a busy day, but I'm gonna buckle down and be super productive!"

    Daycare message at 7 AM: "i'M gOnNa bE sOoOoPeR pRoDuCtIvE lmao the fuck you are"
  3. J

    Is it me or do y’all wish y’all kid(s) didn’t like y’all’s food sometimes?

    I know it sounds a bit selfish, but dang this kid is only 21 months and he’s eating EVERYTHING. I literally can’t eat without him chasing me for a bite. I love this kid but man the only time I enjoy food is at work and I take ONE 15 so I can get back to him faster. I know I’m not the only one...
  4. C

    My 5-y/o daughter "well, actually"d me

    My 5-year-old daughter came down the stairs wearing her unicorn-print pants. "Hey, nice unicorn pants!" I told her. "Actually, Daddy," she said, "they have wings. So they're not unicorns, they're alicorns." I'd thought I had a couple more years until she reached this level of know-it-all...
  5. F

    When friends keep reminding you… do you get p’d off?

    We have a few young kids and have been very fortunate that some friends and family have donated a good deal of their used clothing to us but do you ever end up being constantly reminded by that one friend/family member that your kid(s) are wearing their kids’ clothes!? “Awww I remember that...
  6. C

    Made a PB&J, cut it into quarters, then realized…

    “This sandwich isn’t for my toddler - it’s for me.” Dads, what do you now do for yourselves the way you do it for your kids (accidentally or on purpose)?
  7. K

    What are the best phrases you never thought you’d have to say?

    Todays was “Stop karate chopping brown sugar into the couch!” For us. What are some of the best things you’ll never forget that you had to actually say out loud?