how to?

  1. R

    My girlfriend missed 2 pills, but doesn’t remember when

    My girlfriend typically takes them at 9pm every day, but noticed today that she took the Monday pill (it’s Wednesday). She isn’t sure which ones she missed. We aren’t really sure what she should do. Should she just skip up in the pack? Or should she try to catch up?
  2. S

    hCG tests shows positive even after taking Plan B. Need advice

    Me (27M) and my girlfriend(25F) had unprotected sex about 28 days ago. Next morning she took Plan B. She was supposed to get her period about 1-1.5 weeks ago, this was putting stress on her so we went forward and did a strip tests, it’s showing positive. Currently she’s experiencing some weird...
  3. D

    2 noriday tablets per day safe?

    Hi all, I’ve been taking Noriday 350 micrograms for around 8 years (I’m 24) due to insanely heavy and debilitating periods. Noriday stopped my periods for a while which was great, but for some reason it’s stopped working? This did also happen a few years ago, and I was told by a doctor to...
  4. N

    L-carnitine w/ pill

    Does anyone know if the dietary supplement L-carnitine interferes with the birth control pill? Specifically, I’m on Sprintec.
  5. C


    i had the hormonal coil put in today- insertion was painful but bearable with painkillers taken before hand. the pain got a lot worse when it was in, and i couldn’t sit up without almost fainting for over an hour. i spoke to the doctor and she said she wasn’t too concerned but to go to a&e if...
  6. A

    How likely is it to have 2 false positive pregnancy tests back to back?

    I have a friend who is early 30’s f (I’ll call her A) who has partial custody of her niece 15f (I’ll call her N.) A is a very wonderful person, and has had partial custody of her 4 nieces/nephews for a few years now, and involved for their whole lives because they have a complicated home life. N...
  7. T

    IUD removal w/ anesthesia in U.S

    I got the Mirena IUD in summer 2021 and HATE it, I would have already gotten it removed if it weren't for the severe trauma and pain I underwent with the insertion procedure. I don't want to share details but it was extremely traumatic and I wholeheartedly regret my decision to get one. I want...
  8. J

    Birth Control w/ strict parents

    So, very uncomfortable posting this already, however I’m (17F) living in New Jersey and I’m looking to get on the pill as a means of having lighter periods and hopefully more regular ones, as mine are eight days of excessive bleeding. However, I’m currently dating someone, and if I were to...