
  1. G

    To the moms who’ve had a tubal

    I am 25(f). My husband is the same age. We have an almost 3 y/o son. We are vehemently OAD. We have no desire for anymore children and feel like our family is complete. That being said, I want to pull the trigger on a tubal because I am TIRED of birth control, but I am a little hesitant about...
  2. K

    I got sterilized after one child

    I’m F 29 with a 2 y/o. I am married and I had my one and only child at 27. A couple months ago during an annual pap i casually asked my dr about getting my tubes tied. I was expecting push back but the only suggestion I got was how about ask if your husband would get a vasectomy bc it’s less...
  3. S

    Mom bods

    Posting here (rather than plastic surgery sub) bc I feel more comfortable in this community. Moms with mom bellies: what can be done? I’m happy with my body except for the loose skin. Not mad at it enough for a huge surgery. I was down for 8+ months after my c-section (slightly traumatized but...
  4. M

    Why isn’t this particular risk of back to back pregnancies ever discussed?

    I’m so tired of looking at instagram posts of women bragging that they have been pregnant every year since 2010 or whatever. I come from a country where women are discouraged from giving back to back birth. This is one of many risks that is not well known...
  5. N

    Long term contraception solutions for OAD

    I could do with some advice and people’s opinion on this. My partner and I are firmly (absolutely firmly) OAD. I only ever wanted one but with the combination of my age (40 next year), a traumatic pregnancy, a difficult birth and a baby who almost died in his first week has absolutely cemented...