
  1. J

    Happy V Day!

    My partner is currently sitting on the floor with LO reading books and icing himself with a bag of frozen peas. I am relishing in making our family of three official!
  2. P

    “I do have it pretty easy! That is why I’m sticking with just the one!“

    I went to the neighborhood playground earlier with my 2 year-old & there were 2 other moms there. One of the moms made a comment about how she didn’t know how I had “all that energy” (I was climbing & sliding w/ my daughter.) The other mom, who has met me before, said something like “Oh, she...
  3. M

    For the first time, I told someone I was OAD and they understood

    I (25f) have a 7 month old son and I’m OAD for various reasons, one being due to my baby’s special needs. Well, yesterday he was at the doctor’s to get blood drawn and 2 nurses asked me the usual “how old is he? is he your first?” Etc. When they got to the “Will you have more?” question, I...
  4. K

    this, this is it

    love makes the bite-sized world go round . that’s the peaches and cream of having a child , any child . but , w/ one , the focus goes into overdrive . you get a front-row seat to all this beautiful ridiculousness , and it’s amazing with a capital ‘a’
  5. S


    3 days of Disneyland went relatively well. I’m not saying we couldn’t have done it if we had more than 1… but with how rider swap works I don’t think wife and I would have enjoyed it nearly as much if we had had more. We took our almost 5 year old to Disneyland and had a great time, and we...
  6. A

    All three couples at my family’s NYE celebration are OAD

    My aunt had a little NYE shindig at her house and I went with my parents and my daughter. Two of my cousins and their spouses were also there. All of us have one kid. My older cousin has a 6 year old and has been pretty vocal about being one and done since he was born. My other cousin and his...
  7. M

    I just took my first nap in months!

    My daughter just turned 16 months. We just sold our house, husband has a new job in the next state over and lives there m-f and come home on the weekend. So it’s me, my daughter and our two dogs M-F. We just bought a home. I’m cleaning out our house and my classroom as we make this move. I’m...
  8. F

    6w pregnant with our first and only, the first challenge to OAD popped up and was slammed down

    I told my sister that I jokingly asked my OB to go ahead and tie my tubes while she’s down there if I do have to have a c-section, and my sister said “well, at least wait until they survive past the risk of SIDS to tie your tubes” Idk if it’s just the raging nausea that burned up all my fucks...
  9. I

    Having a toddler = living under a dictator

    I said what I said. Today she dragged my husband into the kitchen to put the cup he finished 0.001 seconds before, next to the kettle 🤣
  10. C

    I’m able to handle more than my only on occasion because I’m not stretched too thin

    I occasionally get to play “mom” to multiple kids since i’m not mentally or physically stretched too thin in everyday parenthood. This past weekend, I texted a friend whose husband recently underwent major surgery. The friend was/is nursing him around the clock. O offered to watch their child...