
  1. M

    Win - Hiked 5 miles at 10k ft

    I wanted to share something I am very proud of. I’m a FTM, 38yo, 20 weeks and my husband and I went to Colorado this weekend to get married. I honestly never thought id be able to get back into shape during pregnancy after being horribly fatigued and having atrophied during my entire first...
  2. K

    Positive birth story - We did it!

    I’ve just posted this in r/BabyBumps but wanted to share here as well! I’m 37 yrs old and just gave birth to our son. Thank you for reading our story! Yesterday, being shy of 35 wks, my husband and I got pizza and finally decided it was high time we watched The Godfather. Halfway through, I...
  3. J

    F/u to post about slow HR at 7 week US

    So 2 weeks ago I posted about having a HR on the lower end of normal at my 7 week early scan that I got due to history of missed miscarriage. Anyway, I had a 9 week scan yesterday and everything is perfect! The doc said that she didn't see any structural abnormalities at all and the heart rate...
  4. L

    JuSt yOu WaIt TiL tHe BaBy CoMeS..

    “You’re never gonna sleep again.” One week in and on a 3 hour feeding schedule and I’m getting better, more quality sleep than the last few weeks of my third trimester, free of aches, pains, and insomnia. I can also sleep comfortably on my side and stomach again. Also, unrelated, I poop and pee...
  5. K

    I guess I don't need to keep my legs up after sex!

    So I posted a few weeks ago about keeping my legs up after sex and I received such good advice and even bought a menstrual cup to use after sex. Well I took 3 pregnancy tests and they were all positive!!! My husband (47m) and I (39F) were going to give up actively trying in May after trying...
  6. T

    Small wins… I ovulated!!

    After not having a period for 6 months after stopping birth control and thus not ovulating, my gynecologist referred me to a fertility specialist last month and I was diagnosed with PCOS. I’m on my first cycle of letrozole + hCG trigger, and my progesterone blood test yesterday revealed that I...
  7. G

    When did you get excited “again”?

    Hey y’all! I am currently 17 weeks with my double rainbow baby! I would say the first trimester was full of “don’t get your hopes up” and constant anxiety and then WHOOSH relief happening from the 12-14 week period. Sharing the news, learning it’s a girl with low risk genetics, buying our very...
  8. C

    After 4 long years, I’m 5 weeks pregnant!

    I want to shout it from the rooftops, but it’s still too early, so I’m sharing here with you! I have been through 4 long years of multiple losses, delays, false hopes, and more needles than I can count. HCG was 600 at first Dr. check and 1500 at the second. I’m not getting too excited yet, but...
  9. S

    First time pregnant- NIPT all clear

    I just want to share good news, as I had been stressing over NIPT results due to my age (37 years old, will turn 38 two months after delivery). My tests came back all clear! The NT scan was perfect! It really reassured me. My doctor told me my risks based on age were statistically 1:161. And...
  10. R

    1st Ultrasound Today!

    I’m 10 weeks FTM at 39 and had my first ultrasound today. I was so worried I wouldn’t see a heartbeat, but it was there right away and the baby was very active. It wouldn’t sit still for the tech to take a good pic but I am already in love. Now that it’s totally real to me I am concerned about...
  11. A

    Our simple public announcement. :)

    On Saturday at 15+2, we finally put out a Facebook announcement! I had been stressing for weeks about how to do it, and finally just had to figure out something because people who knew were starting to ask how much longer they had to keep their traps shut. We kept it basic, and actually the...