general discussion

  1. M

    King-Size Floor Bed Frame?

    Hi APs! We have our king mattress on the floor for co-sleeping, which has been very practical but NOT very stylish. I have been looking for a "frame" of some sort that will not necessarily elevate the bed, but provide a more intentional, finished look to the space. I'm considering something...
  2. S

    "Does she behave?"

    This is really just a pure vent. I'm flippin' sick of ppl asking "Is she well-behaved?", "How was she at the event--did she behave?", and saying shit like "She's learning she can get what she wants if you pick her up every time she cries." and "You should do X, Y, and Z this way, or she'll learn...
  3. J

    Hunt, gather, parent

    I’m currently reading Michaeleen Doucleff’s book Hunt, Gather, Parent. I’m trying to turn off the part of my brain that has a degree in anthropology.* But as a parenting guidebook it’s got very practical advice and interesting real world examples from the author’s own life and the families she...
  4. D

    My Chinese grandmother threatened to hit my son.. and refuses to apologize

    Hi all! My 80-year old Chinese grandmother is visiting my family over the summer and yesterday she suddenly went from happy and playing w my 2,5 year old boy (playing cleanup of confetti) to suddenly threatening to hit him because he didn’t put the confetti in the trashcan. I immediately...
  5. V

    Floor bed vs bed sharing - safer?

    A lot of people have suggested for me to transition my 10 month old to a floor bed to get my bed back. Aside from the fact that I’d probably have to get up to nurse constantly, I’m really not understanding how it’s safer. We do the safe sleep 7 and I can feel any time my daughter moves in bed...
  6. D

    looking for a 2 way "baby monitor" or walkie talkie type thing since my 18mo and 4yo are getting their own room - recs?

    We're moving from our 1br apt to a 3 bedroom house, so my 4yo and 18mo girls will have their own room for the first time! It's right across the hall from ours, and I also got the 18mo a larger bed since I'll likely still spend part of the night sleeping w her, but I'm planning on spending part...
  7. G

    Tips for preparing our 3.5 y/o for new baby?

    What worked, what didn't? What do you wish you had done more prep for? Any tips for managing my relationship with my first once the baby comes? I'm due in June with our second, our first was born at the end of August so he'll be almost 4. He will also start school in September and I'll be home...
  8. W

    Dogs and kiddo sharing back yard

    So we have two dogs who poop and pee in the back yard. We also have a 15 month old I’d like to be able to enjoy the yard. We haven’t let him out there much (and only with direct supervision) due to worry of the health risks re dog waste (we do pick up the poo every day but sometimes it’s not...
  9. B

    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    Hello friends! I wanted to spread the word about Universal Childcare and how a handful of parents from /r/workingmoms have decided enough is enough. We're in the beginning stages of banding together to fight for real change. Are you interested in joining the cause? Do you know someone that...
  10. E

    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    I hope this isn’t a stupid place to ask this question.. Is there any evidence of patterns for sibling gender (biological sex at birth)? E.g. likelihood of having a boy after a girl, girl after boy, two of the same, and any further patterns with more than two siblings? Note: I put sibling gender...
  11. R

    Struggling with ST culture

    A friend told me is “really strict” with her 12wk old baby who she won’t let sleep on her at home so she leaves her on a pod on the couch. Another who said their 12wk baby will read those black & white picture books for “hours on end”. And that you “just need to be comfortable with leaving your...
  12. R

    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    I've noticed that people on this sub are often talking past each other because of terminology. Try Googling "Cry it out". Here are quotes from the first 5 hits, with my emphasis added... 1. The goal of the CIO method is to let baby fuss and cry on her own until she eventually wears herself out...
  13. E

    Why my Asian Upbringing Made me consider Attachment Parenting

    Disclaimer: This post is based purely on anecdotal evidence and I have no research links in support of why attachment parenting is "better" than any other parenting style. I am simply recounting my childhood and how I came to the realization that following in my parents' parenting footsteps was...
  14. R

    Can a baby be 'too attached'?

    As above - I'm overseas visiting family at the moment with my 11 month old (1 next week). They've never met her. They all want to hold her and see her, but baby will not leave my side. She was breast fed to 9 months (self weaned), we co sleep most nights at the moment etc etc, but she is in...
  15. T

    Choice of 3 days high stress/responsibility and pay, or 5 days of average pay with school holidays? X post r/workingmums

    Hi all from Australia, I've returned to work after a year on mat leave.... best year (after the first 3 hellish months lol). I don't like being at work, don't want to but life and money demands it. I am currently full time at my very high stress job but not coping with the 5 days of full on...