fuck everything đź–•

  1. F

    it's 4:30am

    And I'm awake sitting on the toilet because on top of how crappy my day was, the fancy sushi I picked up to celebrate our 9 year anniversary glutened me because the kitchen doesn't read clear instructions stating: GLUTEN FREE - CELIAC. My 3 year old is deep in the "I need Mommy CONSTANTLY but...
  2. A

    Why Did I Become a Mom in the U.S.?

    I’m a mom to a 14-month old and I want to give him the world. How can I do that in this stupid country of ours? I want to give him a sibling…good try with that. If you have a miscarriage, you will be left to bleed out because laws don’t protect you anymore. Or worse, thrown in jail or maybe put...
  3. A

    Everyone blames my daughter’s behavior on extended breastfeeding and I’m f*ing sick of it

    Just for some background info: I have a not quite 2yo daughter as well as 2 teenagers who are actually my stepchildren. I work a part-time job where I sometimes don’t get home until very late and my husband is a SAHP. Right now my husband is also paying 99% of our bills (he’s got disability...
  4. B

    Happy f’ing Mother’s Day

    This is gonna be a long one, so apologies in advance. I have no one else to talk to. I have strep throat, was at the ER last night for it and feel like I’m dying. I haven’t been able to eat anything solid in over 2 days now. Never mind that I was also at the ER twice with my daughter on Monday...