
  1. T

    Lead content in baby puffs and cassava based foods

    A friend sent me this article about a test done on Serenity Kids baby puffs, Happy Baby puffs, and a couple other things. There are positive results for lead, cadium, arsenic, and mercury. The "Clean Label Project Purity Award" does not mean what you think it means. The article is long but...
  2. N

    washing non-organic produce

    If you don’t / can’t buy organic produce (I’m thinking about EWG’s Dirty Dozen), how do you wash your produce? Tbh, sometimes it pains me to pay $7 for organic strawberries, when the regular strawberries are $3 (on sale). I bought organic strawberries today, but sometimes I don’t because of...
  3. N

    Thrive Market

    Do y’all have thrive market and do you love or hate? I live in a rural area, so we don’t have many clean eating options. How’s the pricing, food options, anything else I need to know? I have heard it’s hard to cancel.
  4. H

    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    That’s all. That’s the tea.
  5. J

    Perfect pregnancy sandwich: H-L-T

    I didn't eat a ton of sandwiches pre-pregnancy, but lately that's all I've wanted to eat - like a nice big thick deli meat sandwich. Today I went to a local deli and ordered a BLT, but instead of bacon (I've got nothing against bacon, but it just sounded too greasy to me today) I asked for...