
  1. J

    Newborn sleeping 5 1/2 hours and counting…

    Hello everyone! It is me again and I have a different concern now! So, somehow I must’ve used too much of that SC Johnson baby lotion (the one to help sleep) because my baby (5 weeks + 2 days old) has been sleeping since about 10 pm, it is currently 3:33 am as I write this and I’m a bit...
  2. S

    Questions About the Baby Formula Shortage

    Hey everyone! I am currently doing an in depth research report for the University of California, Davis about the US shortage on baby formula. We are studying the root causes and wanted to get some real information from parents. If you have a second please fill out our survey so we can better...
  3. G

    6 week old absolutely inconsolable unless he’s eating or sleeping.

    FTM here at her wits end. Around the 3 week mark my LO started crying after every feed and it’s slowly ramped up to absolute screeching now at 6 weeks… we’ve suspected all of the things- gas, reflux, etc. He’s both breast and bottle fed and we do paced bottle feeding, burp between breasts, hold...
  4. L

    GERD diagnosis with 10 week old - will it ever get better?

    Our baby boy was born 10th percentile (6 lbs 3 oz) and would down more food (formula initially then breastmilk due to supply issues) than he was supposed to the first month of life. We assumed he was compensating for my possible IUGR. He increased in percentile, just not dramatically, and he’s...
  5. C

    Need advice re frequent breastfeeding

    Hi! My LO is 15 weeks old and he’s a sweetheart. For context: he is and has been exclusively breastfed and I think he entered the 4 month sleep regression so his sleep might be a bit off these days however he was always a difficult sleeper. Most of his day naps have been contact naps and, in...
  6. N

    l/o won’t take a pacifier

    First time mom questions re/pacifier. L/o (6wks) so far will not take a pacifier, gags, spits it out, turns head away etc. I see everyone else’s hosp pics l/o’s have pacifiers in. I didn’t try right away bc I had no reason to, baby is super chill, hardly cries, sleeps decent. Did I miss my...
  7. M

    C-Section mums who are pumping - How long did it take to fully establish your milk supply?

    Hi all - TLDR: looking for a bit of reassurance about how long it takes to produce enough breast milk for 4 week old’s demands and having to give a lot of formula top up. Long version: I’m a first time mum, 4 weeks postpartum following an emergency c-section after 5 days of unsuccessful...
  8. Z

    2.5 months old wakes up at 1AM, then 3...4.30, 6..7AM and then again 9Am to be fed. What to do?

    Baby does sleep from 8PM until 1AM, and after that wakes up so many times. And it got worse the past week. Typically I breastfeed her, but often she falls back to sleep like 5min later still on the boob. I tried to wake her up so she drinks more, but then spent 1.5-2h to get her back to sleep...
  9. S

    6mo start solids:hyperactive behavior

    Hi!! FTM here w a 6mo (5mo 3 wks). We just started solids (puree) and i fed her banana and peanut buttrr puree yesterday and today and just noticed she is behaving v actively. Kept flipping around (front to back) shaking her head left right left right and her belly left right left right...
  10. R

    How much? How often?

    My daughter will be 4 weeks old on Wednesday of this coming week, I was just wondering how often and how much she should be eating? She barely spits up and has never puked on me from over eating but, sometimes she’ll down 3oz and then and hour n half later sometimes 2.5 hours she seems like...
  11. K

    Bottle aversion/no interest in food

    Hello, My baby is going to be 8 months old at the end of April. We have had a hard time feeding f her basically from 4 months on. The only way she will eat a bottle is if she is watching the t.v (we dont do a lot of t.v besides whwn we try and feed her). We have tried feeding her puree food and...
  12. N

    Dropping to 2 naps

    Currently my 8 m/o is following doing 3 nap day with a 7 oz bottle at the beginning every wake window. We’re planning on dropping a naps in the next week or so. Looking for suggestions on how to shift her feedings to maintain roughly 30oz a day with only 3 wake windows. She handles the 7oz...
  13. D

    Feeding schedule

    Hey everyone! I hope all of you and your babes are doing well. FTM here. My son just turned 7 weeks today and i’m just curious when, if and how you all started to establish a feeding schedule/routine? Baby is bottle fed and so far we’ve been feeding on demand and it’s been a bit of a...
  14. C

    Increasing milk supply

    Hey y’all. I just wanted to make a quick post about my experience trying to increase my milk supply. Mostly I was struggling to pump enough for our sitter on the days I work. First i bought a couple different kinds of nursing time tea, which was a pretty easy change since I normally drink a...
  15. T

    New to formula. 7m old MOTN wakes

    Hi everyone!! I have a wonderful 7 month old little boy that I breastfed for the first 6 months. I’m pregnant with #2 right now so naturally my supply dried up and we had to switch him to formula and he has handled it great!! I’m just curious as to how you all handle frequent middle of the night...
  16. F

    Overfeeding, pediatrician gave him a diet

    It is a bit of an update from the overfeeding post from last time Yesterday we went to the ER because he had diarrhea and puking he couldnt keep any fluids down. He was tested for a virus but he was negative (he is 3 weeks and 4 days old) in the night he got O.R.S he did perfect on that kept it...