experience/advice to give

  1. N

    What’s the dumbest thing anyone ever said to you as a twin parent?

    2 different situations. Setting: Home Depot Elderly gentleman: “which one is older?” Me: “she is by 5 minutes” Elderly gentleman: “you can tell, she’s bigger” Yes, those 5 minutes 🤦🏼‍♂️ Setting: Daughter’s neurology office Neurologist: “you’re a twin? Which one of you is the prettier one?”...
  2. M

    Di/Di Identical twins born with TTTS

    Hello, just wanted to share this for other parents who are/will be in the same situation. Just to be clear, although it is very rare (0.05% chance), it is possible for Di/Di twins to get TTTS, as the placentas that are in close proximity may fuse together, leading to TTTS in some cases. You...
  3. L

    Just found out I’m having twins. I have a 1 and a 3 year old already and the panic is setting in

    As the title says we’ve just discovered that we’re having twins, I was using contraception so this is a complete surprise. Mostly I’m panicking that I will have 4 under 4! Who else has had twins bump up their family numbers unexpectedly, how did you adjust? How did the older ones adjust? I’ve...