
  1. J

    condom broke and he came inside me, and i took a plan B an hour after. Next day the tip of the condom came out of me... what do i do?

    Should I take another plan B? he came inside me and i peed and washed off everything from my body and then got a plan B an hour after everything happened... but the next day the tip of the condom came out of me... i am really worried and this is the first time this happened please help. thank...
  2. L

    So I’m apparently pregnant on kyleena iud

    I feel shocked and betrayed by my body and or this device. I had no issues for 3.5 years. Then a month ago I started to have more discharge than normal but didn’t think too much of it. I still got soft mild barely there periods pretty regularly. So when this current period came, nothing seemed...
  3. S

    I just got an IUD and y’all scared me for no reason

    So in the week leading up to me getting an IUD, even just hours before people were sending me posts from this subreddit with horror stories about getting the IUD and how painful it is. So bad I was ready to bite the cancelation fee and cancel the appointment, I’m here to tell y’all it’s not that...
  4. R

    When did your breast stop growing on BC?

    Hello! First timer of BC here. About 1,5 months ago I started taking yazmin-28, I haven't had much side effects aside from breast growth, my size has gone from a C-cup to a DD/E-cup within this time. Aside from it feeling uncomfortable and a bit painful it's not too bad, but I cannot use my...
  5. P

    All iud experience requested

    My husband and I are considering for me to get paragard. I have taken the combined bc pill since June 2022 with little issue aside from large mood alteration. Not a big deal though, I'm handling that all fine. In about january, I started spotting randomly. I've n e v e r spotted, or hard...
  6. E

    Hormone results are in and Dr has recommended Yasmin, looking for advice or personal experiences

    Hello, I hope I chose the right flair, sorry if I didn't! My blood test results have come back 'borderline' and my Dr has recommended I try the Yasmin combined pill. I am a cisgendered woman with a family history of PCOS, though I'd need an ultrasound to confirm PCOS, I have acne in my 30s...
  7. K

    Need Advice: In-Office Hysteroscopy vs Outpatient Hysteroscopy for Paragard Arm Removal

    Went to the Ob/Gyn this morning to get my Paragard taken out. An arm broke off upon removal (surprise, surprise!). My doctor tried to grab the arm but I was covered in sweat and hurting so she said she’d prefer to try a hysteroscopy with general anesthesia for me. I got home and started...
  8. B

    Bad cramps 2 1/2 weeks after Mirena IUD insertion

    Hey sooo I got my iud inserted Feb 23. Went as you’d expect, hurt but I was numbed and honestly it was more uncomfortable than anything. The cramps after had me in bed the rest of the day but ever since I’ve had consistent cramping. They strike randomly and are worse some days than others. The...
  9. E

    I L O V E my Nexplanon

    I’m very proud to say I’ve had my Nexplanon for 8 months, and I love it. To start with, I really like the card they give you that tells you when it has to be taken out. It makes me feel empowered knowing that I won’t have to worry about pregnancy in the next 3 years. And I, thankfully, have...
  10. K

    Experience with PlanB

    So I’m usually on the combination pill, but for that week when I don’t have my period I’m always scared to have sex afterwards when I continue the birth control. I don’t trust that it immediately starts back up after my period like they say lol. Anyways, I took a plan b, got my period a little...
  11. S

    coming off bc, how did you get through it?

    i (20F l) want to come off bc it messes w my eye sight, add is worse, hair thinning. my bf love to have sex. i’m biggest anxiety is pregnancy. i’m young and not in a place in my life for a baby neither is my bf. for those who came off bc and went all natural and no hormones how did you proceed...
  12. E

    I’m getting the 8 yr IUD

    can anyone tell me how the procedure was? I’ve had nexplanon for 6 years so I’ll also have that removed the same day. I’m a bit nervous. I’ve never had children either.
  13. S

    Marvelon b/c experience

    Hello! I’m 20 years old and my doctor recently prescribed me Marvelon 28 particularly for back acne. I’m curious if anyone has been on this birth control long term and what your experience with it was? I’m particularly concerned with if it causes weight gain and/or increased acne! Thanks!
  14. N

    Vitamin C and birth control patch?

    Hey 😊 I am new at using Evra contraceptive patch and it is my first bc ever. On some sites on internet i found that vitamin C can make patch less effective? Is that true? I have weak immunity and I should drink vitamin C, but I'm afraid that it could affect the effectiveness of the patch… Also...
  15. T

    random d&c before an iud insertion ?

    My friend just went to hospital to get Skyla inserted. She was sedated and intubated. Afterwards, they told her that they did a D&C in order to "clear out space in her uterus" (the nurses words). I have never heard of this, ever. Has anyone ever heard of a D&C being performed prior to IUD...
  16. C

    Pill killed my sex drive

    I have been on 3 different types of BC pill. Lo Loestrin Fe - this one didn’t work out because I would spot in the middle of every month, this went on for 6 months before I changed pills. Enskyce - this one was the worst. I was severely depressed and N E V E R in the mood. Mono-linyah- my...
  17. S

    Pregnant ~3 weeks after U.P. sex? - Kyleena IUD

    UPDATE: I did in fact end up getting my period!! For anyone else who finds themselves in a similar position as me! Happy sex-ing with your IUDs lmaoo Hi all, so I am a little stressed but also trying to stay calm knowing IUDs are highly effective. To back up, I last had my period the first...
  18. T

    Any chance I’m pregnant? I have the IUD and took a plan B!!!

    So for backstory, please read all of this: I got the Mirena IUD inserted January 2020. Had no complications or side effects from it. I went last year to get the strings checked and then again this month to get the strings checked because I am SO PARANOID ITS GOING TO MOVE AND NOT BE EFFECTIVE...
  19. K

    Cycle Following Plan B

    Alright y’all I have a question that may or may not even be able to be answered. My last actual period started 3 weeks ago (7/23). I got to see my bf for the first time in 4 months and just out luck, the condom broke. So I took a Plan B less than 48 hours after the incident about 2.5 weeks ago...
  20. H

    Can’t feel IUD

    I just got my copper IUD (Mona Lisa N) inserted like 3 days ago. The insertion was pretty weird and painful. It was a type of feeling/pain that I had never experienced before but was super super quick like about two minutes. I had cramping for the rest of the day that felt like period cramps and...