
  1. C

    3 months perfers facing front

    I only put my baby in the carrier for naps. 90% of the time she fusses and fights until she falls asleep. Often I will move her arm out, so she can push off my chest. And I will hold her head to my chest. I sing her to sleep. Within 2-3 minutes she’s out. I feel bad for making her upset...
  2. M

    Wrap recommendation for baby #2

    Hi! Looking to try for number 2 soon. I used the Baby K’Tan with my first and found it pretty simple to use once baby had good head control. I lost it, though, so now I’m in the market for something new. Here are the things I liked about the Baby K’Tan: -soft material -very snug fit that...
  3. T

    How do you baby wear during the summer?

    My baby is huge at 9 months 25 pounds. I currently wear him with the ergobaby 360. As summer approaches, I’d like to wear him for long walks and hikes around the neighborhood. Do you guys have any tips and suggestions to keep you and baby cool while you baby wear outside? Especially the...
  4. S

    Are we using the carrier as a crutch?

    My 7 week old is generally a pretty good sleeper if conditions are optimal. The optimal conditions are basically the carrier, occasionally a chest if she’s just been nursing. I know you can’t form bad habits at this stage, but I’m wondering how much we’re setting ourselves up for failure by...
  5. T

    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    I'm pregnant with my second and the babies will be 22 months apart. My oldest can walk but isn't the biggest fan of it most of the time yet at 15 months. I live somewhere with great public transportation and I don't drive in this country, and I don't even own a stroller and have no interest in...
  6. M

    Breastfeeding carrier

    Hi all! I’m not sure if I used the right tag, apologies if I didn’t. I currently have a 19 month old and 2 month old. For my older I always used my original ergo baby and loved it. But I didn’t breastfeed. I now have my 2 month old and he does nurse exclusively. I am wanting to find a carrier...