
  1. M

    Cell phone use near babies / near their head

    Edit: For clarification I added context as I am unclear on why folks would dismiss the positions and responses of the American Academy of Pediatrics bc I usually check their guidelines and positions first. I am looking for research about this also though from my understanding AAP (edit: this...
  2. A

    Parent Child Coercive Cycle Vs attachment/gentle parenting?

    EDIT- I NEED TO CLARIFY . I do not have a “gentle parenting” philosophy. I do not need to gentle parent. I want to develop a well rounded child and not resent them and not pull out my hair at the end of the day. And I don’t want to perpetrate the relational trauma my cluster B parents did to me...
  3. O

    Breastfed exclusively for 6 months. Is formula ok now?

    This thread is in the wiki for breastfeeding sub but it's from 12 years ago. Is there any new research that can give more insight into the risks of supplementing older babies with formula? Thanks
  4. D

    Greek yogurt vs homo milk

    Can 2% M.F. Greek yogurt replace a toddler’s need for homo milk? Edit: M.F. = milk fat Homo milk = whole milk = 3.25% milk I’m still BF a little bit and my doctor said not to worry about homo milk until I stop BF. But my 14 month old is eating SO much plain Greek yogurt everyday, I’m...