child 4-9 years

  1. I

    Sibling Rivalry (ages 6 and 4)

    I’m looking for guidance on how to approach a consistent and upsetting situation at home. I have two daughters, 6.5 and 4.5 years old. For the most part they love each other and play well. They have generally calm demeanors (enjoy coloring and imaginative play) but my oldest (“C”) is always...
  2. W

    Pre-K teacher says my 4 year old is stealing

    I would like to preface this by saying that my 4 year old often likes putting little things into their pockets. Things like rocks, leaves, tiny pine cones, tinsel, bottle caps, anything they find outside or around the house. I received an email from their Pre-K teacher today saying she would...
  3. T

    Advice please for 6 F daughter

    So my little girl has recently started discovering her private parts. When I was younger I was always shouted at told not to touch etc. From what I’ve been reading/heard in various places this is what leads to shame later down the line so I’m wanting to be more open. My general chat with her...
  4. F

    Kindergarten age son is having fever

    This is medical related question. We went to see our pediatrician three times, multiple after hour phone calls and urgent care twice. All the answers are similar, “it was caused by some type of virus” Late Nov early December, had fever, as high as 105F. At Dr office, tested Flu, COVID, strep...
  5. C

    My 8 year old is a totally different kid when I'm not around and I'm worried

    So my son (8) went to Florida with my mom and brother (10). My brother is kind of wild, has no social cues, and says stupid and inappropriate stuff. But my mom was with them and I didn't want my son to miss this. Overall it was great but they fought a lot. My son called and said 1. My brother...
  6. M

    How to encourage independent play

    I watch my partner’s 3 (4 next month) year old while he works. I’m a substitute teacher so I’m off with the kids for the summer. So while I’m watching him I’m trying to get him on the same schedule that the pre-k uses. I’ve noticed that the little one refuses to do anything alone. (We live...