casual conversation

  1. T

    Would you send baby for settle sessions at nursery when there's a d and v bug?

    My one year old is meant to have his settle sessions at nursery (what we call daycare here) tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Three times one hour and one time two hours. Just got an email from them saying there's a d and v bug going around. They're asking folk with symptoms not to...
  2. E

    Can someone give me information on parental ABO blood types and the different possible outcomes?

    UPDATE: it was the most likely answer. Grandma was wrong, dad is B+. I’m not sure where else to ask, and it looks like this might be my best bet! I was always under the impression that O+ and O+ would make another O+ but kiddo is apparently B+! From what I’ve read, that suggests that: one of...
  3. E

    Baby Solely Turning Head to Left

    We have a 7 week-old l/o who will only turn his head to the left when laying on his back. We have tried to promote turning to the right while on his back by placing stimulating items and interacting with him on his right and making the left side unstimulating, but he will just shift his eyes to...
  4. C

    Thoughts on infant formula prep study

    I was just curious what everyone thought of this study and the response from the Infant Nutrition Counsel about the preparation of powdered infant formula needing 70°C and then cooled before given to baby.
  5. R

    “Rules” for room sharing

    What are the “rules” for leaving baby to sleep alone if you’re room sharing? On my 3rd baby but I’ve always wondered. I room share… 1 year with my first and 6 months with my second. 3rd is now a newborn and is room sharing but he sleeps alone sometimes, is that bad? For example, generally he...
  6. D

    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    I thought this sub might be interested in something I found just now. I was interested to know if there was a correlation between fetal activity in the womb and baby/toddler activity. For instance, if a baby kicks all the time in the womb, are they a little hellion bouncing off the walls later...
  7. C

    ParentData is expanding and hiring a writer

    Thought that y’all might be interested that ParentData - Emily Oster’s platform - is hiring a writer. “We are looking for a new writer to join us under the ParentData umbrella, writing in a related space (think: infertility, relationships, menopause, teenagers, handling your 20s, etc.…). We...