birth info

  1. B

    Birth story: unplanned c-section. Help me understand what happened. (TW: birth trauma)

    ETA: none of what I say here is meant to reflect anything negative towards other csection mothers. This was just my experience and my feelings about it. I gave birth January 14th at 2:19AM to a beautiful baby girl. I am so happy she is here safely, but I feel seriously traumatized by my birth...
  2. S

    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    After 40+ weeks of planning and preparing for an intervention free birth I found myself throwing all my plans into the trash when I woke up at 40+6 at 2am with back labor. I was fully prepared for how everyone had described contractions, feeling intense period like or diarrhea cramps. I was...
  3. M

    A/B Testing: My experience with Vaginal vs. Scheduled C Section

    I posted a thread asking for something like this when I discovered I would have to have a breech C-section for my 2nd baby when my first was a vaginal induction. Now that I've done both I would love to contrast/compare for you guys in case any of you are debating what to do or have to have a...
  4. W

    11.5 lb baby Birth Story

    When I found out at 40+4 that my baby was measuring at 5200+g (11.5 lbs) I came to Reddit looking for birth stories and didn’t find much, so I’m sharing mine for the next mama who comes looking! After still not going into labor naturally and being at a 2 for many days, I chose to be induced at...