
  1. A

    Looking for similarities? CPs/BFP

    F/33 with 2 healthy pregnancies. I’ve had 2 CPs before conceiving my children, no issues since now. I suffer from a short LP so when I began my “period” evening of 4/15 (9dpo) I didn’t think twice. Period only lasted 2 days(4/16-17), a normal/steady flow but no cramps or back pains or anything...
  2. B

    Crying my eyes out over low HCG at 10 DPO. Is this a chemical?

    Yesterday (9 DPO) I dreamt of taking a positive pregnancy test. Woke up, tested and got a very faint line on 2 tests. Was super excited. Today the line was just as faint but I didn’t stress it. My ob asked me to come in for estrogen and progesterone tests the second I suspect I may be...
  3. T

    Endo pregnancy concerns

    I am 28(f) and just found out I’m pregnant today. I had always been told that getting pregnant would be difficult because I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis when I was 20. So needless to say I am completely unprepared and shocked. Tomorrow I’ll be 5 weeks (according to my Flo app), I...
  4. L

    My intro post... O_o

    Hi guys! Never thought I would be here that's for sure!! And I have NO idea what to do next as I never thought I'd get here! (In the UK here btw). This was our 12th cycle of trying. Next month we were going to go back to the doctors. But holy shitballs batman... THIS HAPPENED...
  5. G

    HCG results - are they tracking okay? Doctor won’t scan till 8 weeks

    Hi! I did my 5th (!!!) FET on April 17th with two 5 day embryos. - Beta 1: 7DPT, 14.5 - Beta 2: 11DPT, 150 - Beta 3: 13DPT, 423 - Beta 4: 16DPT, 1078 My third transfer resulted in a blighted ovum, so I am currently terrified at 5 weeks 1 day, knowing my doctor will only see me for an...
  6. J

    B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!

    First, thanks hubs, for the spoiler alert. haha!!! And so you guys know, he is totally making that giddy Conan face. And he has red hair & freckles. The similarity is uncanny. :P So. I will do the breakdown below, but since I kept you guys in the loop about the cysts, let me address that...
  7. G

    help me make it make sense. TW// mention of possible BFP/ D&C

    help me make it make sense. i had a D&C for a MMC on 3/9/24. i tested negative on Easy@Home tests around 3/29-4/01 from my MC. we BDd 3/24& 3/27, 4/2, 4/4, and 4/5. i got 2 positives on FRER, negative on CB early digital and E@H today (4/9). what could be happening..? am i actually...
  8. H

    I broke the pact, I peed on a stick, then 3 more just to be sure..

    And the pix don't lie. BFP! I don't know what to do with myself. I'm somewhere in between of being really excited, to being 'nawwww SOMETHING IS WRONG, THIS IS TOO EARLY!!!" I'm only 8/9 DPO, can't be sure, because I missed my O date by accident!!! Here is the breakdown. I'm 31, my husband...