
  1. M

    Help deciding on SSC!

    Okay, so I’ve scoured the Reddit posts and just can’t decide. I want to get a soft structure carrier for my 8 week old. I currently have a stretchy wrap, ring sling, and an infantino carrier my husband uses. This is for me as something beautiful, stylish, but functional. I’m currently looking...
  2. J

    First Time Actually Baby Wearing Suggestions

    Help! I just had my second for my 2 u 2 and am looking for a carrier that I can use that is comfy for both baby and me for around the house and out and about! For reference I have a 3m old that is maaaybeee 15lb or slightly under so no need for a ginormous carrier. I also do not need a carrier...
  3. B

    At the point of wanting to burn my ring sling

    My beautiful hope&plum ring sling I have spent so much money on and SO much time trying to figure out. I’ve watched the tutorials, I did the consult with Mallory, I paid for a consult with a local babywearing expert, I practice putting my baby in like 4-5 times a day. I would say three times or...
  4. W

    Considering baby bjorn mini but not sure if it’s right for me!

    Hi everyone! I have a 2 week old who I would like to baby wear. I currently have the baby k’tan, but both baby and I are not a fan. Sometimes baby will sleep in it, other times she will fuss and squirm, and stops as soon as I take her out. To me it feels tight and I find it doesn’t to know if...
  5. P

    Is it too late to try a K’tan?

    Okay so, I was looking at the super pretty looking Baby K’tan Original Wrap on Amazon just now.. and actually ordered it a few minutes ago. I’ve heard good things. But now that I’m looking around more on here I’m worried it won’t feel good whatsoever with my baby weighing too much (~17 lbs) and...
  6. V

    Talk me in or out of an additional baby carrier

    Ok, we have the following: -Baby K’tans. My husband likes his, I hate mine. Baby likes it. -Sakura Bloom ring sling-I use this every day to go on walks/get stuff done around the house. Baby likes it. -inherited Lillebaby of some sort that I haven’t really explored yet. Baby is 5 weeks...
  7. S

    What’s the best option for baby wearing after a c-section?

    Had a c-section with my first and wasn’t able to baby wear with my structured carrier due to pressure pushing down on my belly. This time I bought a ring sling to try in case I need to have another c-section. View Poll
  8. R

    Desperate to find a good carrier r/babywearing

    I am desperate, and I mean absolutely desperate to find a good carrier. The price tag isn’t even an issue at this point because I’m really that desperate. Baby is 3 months, ~15lb. Solly wrap has been great but needed something more as she grows. I have a Tula explore and don’t love it, way too...
  9. X

    Best Carrier?

    Hello friends, I have a 16 lb 6 month old, and he absolutely hates the Tula carrier we have. I am tempted to buy an Artipoppe because of it’s famed comfort, support, and ease? But from different comments I’ve sifted through, some say it’s not any more comfortable than others? Also that they...
  10. M

    Advice before buying my first woven wrap?

    Hi! TL DR: proficient newbie wondering if I should get a size 5 or 6, and asking for recommendations about favrics brands and places to buy. I've been carrying with a borrowed wrap for the last 5 months or so. It's a size 5 mokosh, pretty sure it's 100% cotton and quite thick - I don't...
  11. C

    Cross straps vs. H straps

    Hi all! I really like my Happy Baby OG carrier. I saw that Happy Baby will be releasing a new carrier soon that can be cross strap and h strap. I've seen great reviews of the Hope and Plum Lark with cross straps, but I've never tried a cross straps carrier. Are they more comfortable? How is the...
  12. L

    Summer carriers

    Any experience with naked panda and/or aloha&light? I love their designs and A&L is dropping a new collection soon, but is it worth the $$$? I rented a NPD onbuhimo to test before summer but I cannot figure it out or get comfy in it, my 3 month old HATES it. I love my Tula FTG but I need...
  13. M

    What should baby be wearing?

    My son is 8 weeks old today and he’s about 60cm and 4.5kg. I’ve been putting him in the Boba wrap at home or indoors and it’s been great. My sister gifted us an artipoppe also. I want to start going for walks with the carrier or even just for meeting people outdoors (we’re not meeting anyone...
  14. L

    A&L onbuhimo defects: seeking for experiences

    [I thought I had posted it but don’t see it in my timeline - mods if you delete it can you let me know? I m trying to be as respectful as I can of the A&L brand] Hi everyone, Item: A&L onbuhimo (hemp+silk blend), bought new April 2023, Experience: used daily from summer 2023 till March 2024...
  15. M

    Wrap recommendation for baby #2

    Hi! Looking to try for number 2 soon. I used the Baby K’Tan with my first and found it pretty simple to use once baby had good head control. I lost it, though, so now I’m in the market for something new. Here are the things I liked about the Baby K’Tan: -soft material -very snug fit that...
  16. C

    A couple baby wearing questions…

    My baby always spits up a lot when I first put him in the carrier. Like, enough that I have to take him out and change both of our outfits every time. Is this normal? How long does it usually take for your baby to settle and fall asleep in the carrier? Mine can vary anywhere from like 3 minutes...
  17. J

    Question about back-carrying a younger baby

    Hi there, First-time mom here! I am interested in learning how to back-carry my 11-week old. I’m guessing it will be a few weeks before I actually attempt this. Front-carries (I have a boba and bought an old Bjorn prior to knowing about the hip dysplacia issue) hurt my back after a while...
  18. A

    Carrier for 1.5 year old that will last.

    Hi all, I'm in thr market for my, quite heavy and sturdy, nearly 18 month old. I was on the verge of buying thr Tula toddler, but, as I was watching YouTube videos to see if it was easy to use, the person I was watching said it's best from 2 years old. I do want to get something that I can...
  19. C

    T.I.C.K.S. is just a terrible acronym

    There's a C and a K and there's Chin and there's Kiss, so what word goes with what letter? Well it's not the one you expect.
  20. W

    What chores do you get done while baby wearing?

    Basically my question is the title! I want to keep my house cleaner but I also want to limit the time my 3 month old spends in her bouncy chair. Currently I do the following chores while baby wearing: - vacuum - mop - general tidy - hand wash dishes - dust - prep fruit/veggies Is there...