am i pregnant?

  1. M

    If you used protection that didn’t fail

    You don’t have to worry about pregnancy. This includes birth control that is taken correctly and you didn’t use condoms along with it. There seems to be some sort of line of thinking with this newer generation that unprotected sex and protected sex are the exact same thing. I’m not sure if it...
  2. M

    scared (dry humping)

    hiii so basically i know i commented smth like this before but im mad freaked out so me n my bf were dry humping (i had a pair of pajama pants on and JEAN shorts) and he came n some of the cum went through his pants(just a little bit, it was more on the top by my belt) n like my pajama pants...
  3. M

    Am I?

    Hey everyone, I am currently 6 days late on my period, I haven’t been late or had irregular periods besides when I was on b/c. I’ve been off b/c since February and have been having unprotected sex with my fiancé in hopes of getting pregnant. I’ve taken a few different tests and they have come...
  4. S

    i lost my v card n i’m scared

    im 16 and i had sex for the first time exactly a week and a day ago w my boyfriend. i am on birth control , he used condom , and also pulled out. however i’m scared now whenever i feel anything in my stomach , i’ve had sore boobs, which i’ve always had , due to fibrocystic breast disease, but i...
  5. C

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Very noticeable progression on first response tests The cheap tests are still faint. Has this happened to anyone else? I’m 15 dpo
  6. O

    Took a Plan B and had unprotected sex a few days later

    Hello, I’m a little confused need advice or opinions, I couldn’t find the answers I needed so I figured I’d ask for myself. So backstory, I’ve been on birth control for years and decided to get off in August. Currently I’m seeing someone and we’re having unprotected sex. Today is day 14 of my...
  7. I


    I had PROTECTED sex with my gf i put the condom on after she'd sucked it a bit, we did our thing but then i had to go across the room to turn the lights off as she requested, so i got up and went with the condom on, by the time i was back, the condom still felt tight but my d was limp, at the...
  8. P

    Need advice 21y/o F , implantation bleeding VS post Emergency contraceptive ( possible period?)

    Hello yall im freaking out! I had sex october 23 at like 1 am he pulled out and put it back in like a dumb ass. i took ella emergency contraceptive on the 25th. Its now November 8th so about 2 weeks out and im spotting. im so nervous. is this implantation bleeding? is this normal? all tests have...
  9. J

    Unpopular question

    My last period was may 3 and stopped bleeding at may 6 so i started diane 35 pills but after the 7th pill we had unprotected sex and i did yuzpe method. Now my questions is would i still ovulate? Since yuzpe delays ovulation and at may 8 i already took the 8th pill and so on til this day. Thanks!
  10. W

    4 months w/ kyleena iud yet terrified

    Ok so this particular cycle has been weirdly terrifying to me the whole time. I was supposed to get my period yesterday, though the official 28 Days starts today. I’ve been worried because the spotting I usually get around ovulation, which has lasted 3 days since iud insertion, was only one...
  11. K

    Is my girlfriend pregnant?

    My girlfriend's in the 34th day of late period and we're worried that she might be pregnant because hers is very regular. However, we practiced safe sex and we haven't had sex in 4 weeks, which happened right after she had her last period. She took two urine pregnancy tests (one of them being...
  12. G

    Pregnancy cause of my pelvic/back pain?

    18yoF. Date of last period was around March 4th-5th. Had sex w/ BF March 5-6th. Started to experience dull pelvic pain on March 7th which stopped after a week or so. Two days ago, woke up at night with back pain, but I could tell it wasn't my spine or anything. Went to the bathroom and felt...
  13. T

    Trying to conceive. Spotting 10DPO but have been on going for 7 days. Period was due 2-5 days ago. Have pregnancy symptoms

    We've been trying to have a baby for the past 8 months. I noticed spotting 10-12 DPO but the spotting have been on going for 7 days now. It started pinkish then brown and now pink again. Period was due 2-5 days ago and I have pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, upset stomach. I already tried...
  14. P

    9 days late, still popping negative

    I’m 9 days late on my period, I’ve never been this late might I add. I took a clear blue test two days late and it was negative, then after 5 days late took a dollar tree test: negative. 7 days, still negative. Now 9 days, took another test.. negative!! I’m so annoyed. Has anyone gone through...
  15. C

    is my gf pregnant?

    we had unprotected sex at day 18 and 19 of cycle. Now its been 6 days late. a day before the expected period she feel cramps on the right pelvic and since 2 days ago the pain moved to above her V. There is pale yellow discharge that she says she it always happened. And since two days ago her...
  16. C

    Hormone Test Results HELP - Older Post Follow Up - link in text!

    Hello peeps, Following up to this post: My GF had to get hormone tests for other reasons irrelevant to a potential pregnancy. We had sex December 20th, and this test was taken January 11th. Results are within range from someone who isn’t...
  17. W

    still nervous

    I posted here around a week ago I think and one person said I wasn’t pregnant, but I’m gonna post again to see what everyone thinks. My boyfriend has a vasectomy & got cleared twice for a 0 sperm count. One in like late late last year and another in January. I don’t think we had sex in...
  18. L

    Maybe pregnant? (tmi)

    okay so all the info so y’all can give your input; been active for like…the past 5ish months, on pill form of birth control, take birth control on time every night, skipped my period (by not taking my off week bc) last month cause i was a week post op, have had cramps slightly higher up and way...
  19. K


    19 F, had protected sex w my bf 2 times one was abt 4 wks ago, the other 3 wks ago. my period is 9 days late and i always get my period 15 days after ovulation. also tried a pt and it was negative. should i be worried? ty
  20. M

    Need some advice

    I am 11 days late with my period. Had sex Dec.11th w/ condom and pull out, no tears or rips. That cycle my period came 8 days early (Dec.31) and only lasted 5 days, normally my cycle is 7-8 days long. It was light/ to medium flow and normally it’s medium/ heavy. This period worried me so I took...