age gaps

  1. K

    Sudden change of heart

    My husband and I have an amazing two and a half year old, Beastie. Ever since he was born, I "knew" he would be my one and only. My husband was happy with that, especially considering my severe PPD-R, even though he's always wanted two. Over the last few months, I've been discussing with...
  2. T

    A bigger age gap can be a good thing

    My first is 4 months old and, so far, is a unicorn - sleeps beautifully, rarely cries, is perfectly healthy, and loves to smile. I’ve been super on the fence about adding a second. I love the idea of having more love in the family and giving him a sibling, as well as the chance of having a...
  3. R

    Is there a significant difference between a 3-3.5 vs. 3.5-4 year age gap?

    My son is almost 2y3m and we have been starting to think more seriously about when to potentially try for another. I am more like 80% sure of wanting another while my husband says he’s 100% sure. Recently our son has been getting even more mischievous and pushing limits (usually just minor...
  4. L

    A matter of when not if…

    My (31f) wife (30f) gave birth to a beautiful little boy last summer. We used IVF to conceive as we are cis lesbians and have all the love but not all the parts. We absolutely adore our child and it affirms to me how much I wanted to be a mom and how much I love kids. As he approaches his 1st...