advice needed

  1. C

    Any tips on mentally coping without a consistent routine? (4 w/o baby)

    Prior to having a 4 week old baby, my life was basically dictated by a very strict routine. However since she's been born, I've had no routine and it's really affected me. I think the main thing is that I just don't feel ...well, I guess I feel constantly out of routine. And because I feel out...
  2. C

    When did you stop tracking everything for baby (e.g., nursing sessions, wet/soiled diapers, sleep duration, etc.)?

    Just curious to see if anyone tracks or still tracks? View Poll
  3. M

    Bleeding and cramping at 5 w 4 days

    I had light flow of red blood, more than spotting but not like, filling up a pad an hour type heavy bleeding. Really painful cramping that even 2 extra strength Tylenol barely touched. That lasted 4 hours. Then super light spotting yesterday and cramping but not as bad and today it’s just a...
  4. L

    Help: WFH while pregnant w/ 2

    Bit of a strange question, but does anyone have advice for what they used to hold say their laptops and such while doing what I call WWM (working while massive)? I’m lucky enough to work from home but now that I’m in my third tri with twins, I find myself so uncomfortable each day trying to find...
  5. J

    Sleep n' Plays

    Ok so my 7 month boy/girl twins are pretty tall and are barely fitting into their Sleep n' Play outfits which are size 9months. I've been looking high and low for size 12 or 18month Sleep n' Play outfits. Those that I have found are too long, like REALLY long and very slim-fit. There's a huge...
  6. I

    My 9 1/2 month old doesn’t want breastmilk anymore. Help?

    Hey everyone Is it okay if at 9 and a half months my son doesn’t want breast milk during the day? Only at night? I work so I pump and his dad usually bottle feeds him but recently within the last 3 weeks he’s stopped. He will eat solids and drink water from the same bottle but not the...
  7. N

    Changing table necessary for pack and play?

    I'm looking at pack and plays for my 6 week old and am a little overwhelmed by the many options. I plan to use the p&p as a safe place for our newborn (and eventually a toddler) in the living room. I see there are p&p with a bassinet, but also p&p with a bassinet and changing table. I have a...
  8. A

    Jogging stroller: BOB, BabyJogger or Thule?

    We got a tandem stroller before the twins were born and it is a huge pain! Looking to upgrade to a double jogging stroller now that they are 6+ months and about 20lbs each… and trying to decide between the Thule Urban Glide 2, BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie and the BabyJogger x3 summit. We do...
  9. L

    Is our nursery dark enough? (Black out curtains)

    FTM. Having babe in a couple weeks. Is our nursery dark enough? I realize our curtains are not completely black out. I do have a set I like less that are much more blackout. I kind of like the orange lighting these bring, but it’s not dark as night lol. (Nursery is not finished yet) nursery...
  10. D

    How to keep a fair and equal relationship between myself and the twins?

    I have twins (2.5f) and a singleton(6 month f) I got to hold twin A for a minute before she was brought to the intensive care and only looked at twin b for 30 seconds. They were both bottle fed and I always found twin a harder to settle and twin b easier. My connection with them has never...
  11. H

    Baby hormones (4 1/2 month old F).. any advice out there?

    Hey there! I’ve posted quite a few on here. Hopefully this isn’t a bother since I’m a FTM and dealing with these things that haven’t been heard of.. (or have, but I never knew about these things) and hopefully it’ll bring some insight for those who are also curious or going through it or have...
  12. O

    Family making inappropriate comments about my baby

    Family makes inappropriate comments about my baby So my family has always had a sense of humor that hasn’t really matched mine, and have always made some (in my mind) inappropriate comments. For instance I’ve always been petite with a larger butt and when I was probably as early as 9 they would...
  13. M

    Dropping Progesterone- how worried should I be?

    I have been tracking my blood HCG and progesterone levels since for the last week or so. Things are looking OK (my HCG betas started low), but today my progesterone dropped, and it freaked me out. I have left a message for my clinic but they aren’t open until tomorrow. They always seem way too...
  14. R

    Reassurance, please! Test progression question

    As I cannot post pics here, here is a post I just made with picture references! Prefacing this by saying I’m a very anxious person in general and experienced a CP two months ago hence the worry and seeking reassurance 🙃 On 11DPO I got the faintest of faint positives on a FRER. In fact it took...
  15. A

    Been booked for a scan next week at 6+5, based on my LMP. I’m sure I will only be 5+3 though. Is it a waste of time?

    My LMP was 8th Jan. This makes me currently 5+5. I have long, irregular cycles, but I always get distinct, sore ovulation pain exactly 2 weeks before my period comes. I had that ovulation pain 18 days ago and if I calculate my pregnancy based on ovulation date and not LMP it puts me at 4+3...
  16. S

    Doctor said my 6mo needs PT

    So she's technically a nurse practitioner but she told me that if my 6mo isn't sitting up on his own by 7 months he needs physical therapy. Isn't this a bit extreme? All the research I've found said they can sit up unassisted anywhere from 6-8 months. I'm considering switching, I just want to...
  17. L

    18 m/o B/G Twins - Boy keeps thwacking his sister

    They are 18 months old - old enough to understand what we say, but not old enough to control their impulses. Our son keeps thwacking his sister randomly throughout the day. If he has a toy or something in his hands, she gets hit with that. If not, it's with his hands. He just feels compelled...
  18. C

    IVF Twins: 2 girls, or 1 boy + 1 girl, what would you pick?

    EDIT: Not sure why folks are choosing to downvote, but please read the post + comments before you do so. Actively looking for advice from this sub on whether or not to transfer 2 embryos after loss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey everyone, I'm new...
  19. D

    Breastfeeding/bottle feeding twins?

    I'm due in August with my mo/di boys, and I have a few concerns. I have had two singletons previously (now 6y/o & 9y/o) that I exclusively breastfed; it was the easiest for me, and they never took to any bottles or pacifiers I gave them anyway. Now with the twins I would love to do the same, I'm...
  20. M

    Polling all twin/multiples parents - did you sleep train? Method? How long did it take?

    My Q’s for you: 1. Did you sleep train? 2. What age did you sleep train at? 3. What method did you use? (Extinction, Ferber, etc) 4. How long did it take to sleep train? 5. Did you hire a sleep consultant? (..with the caveat that I know all babies are different. Our 1st didn’t need to be ST...