9 - 16 weeks

  1. N

    When people are talking about wake window times (i.e. 1.5/1.75/1.75/2) do they have set nap lengths as well?

    Hopefully this makes sense… When people are talking about wake window times (i.e. 1.5/1.75/1.75/2) does this mean that they have set nap lengths as well? Can they confidently say how long each nap will be? Asking as I see a lot of people talking about wake window lengths pretty confidentially...
  2. W

    Sleep training a 12 week old - success w/o CIO

    I’d love to hear success stories of improving independent sleep in younger babies (eg 3-4 mos) without using CIO. Context: FTM. EBF Baby has been 100% contact sleeping for naps and overnight. Between struggling with the swaddle, worries about reflux/choking in his sleep, early signs of rolling...
  3. M

    Sleep begets sleep... or does it?

    Baby is currently 9 weeks old. He's never slept well since he was born (you may have seen my post on him fighting sleep here). We were always told that the better he naps during the day, the better his nighttime sleep would be, so we made sure to make him have his naps during the day, which...
  4. P

    Can someone help me with a proper schedule for my 16 week old?

    I’m at a loss he sleeps terrible only contact naps during the day, if I’m lucky he will sleep 30 minutes for the first nap in the bassinet. His bedtime wavers from 6-7pm and wakes between 6-7am. He’s was initially waking at 12am, 3am and 5 am for feeds overnight. Now he sleeps at max two hour...
  5. V

    Pediatrician said to start working on independent sleep

    Bb is almost 9 weeks old! Just had our 2 month appointment and ped said to start working on independent sleep. I’m going out of town w bb for 4 weeks in a few days (to stay w family) so my plan was to wait until we get there and get settled for a couple nights. That way bb feels more...
  6. J

    difficulty w day naps

    Hi everyone! Lately my 2 (n about 1 week) month old daughter has been having a lot of trouble sleeping during the day. I’m talking like 13 minute / 20 minute increments… lucky to get a 40 minute nap out of her. She goes to work with me, but I’m a caregiver for a family member, so I’m able to...