1 year +

  1. C

    16month old fighting sleep

    Hello, I have 16month old daughter. She just turned 16month. We have schedule problem. She was doing great with 3.5/3.5/4 wws. She is waking up around 7-7:30 and then was going to sleep around 10:30-11:00 for about 1h15 min sometimes 1.30h and then second nap was around 3:30-4:00 for about an...
  2. S

    When is baby *not* going through regression

    4 month, 6 month, 8-10 month, 12 month, honestly lol why don’t we just call a spade a spade and have it be the first year regression *cue the people about to comment, “My Lo NeVeR wEnT tHrOuGh OnE aT aLl”
  3. F

    Almost 1 y/o and hasn’t learned to self-soothe. Are we setting ourselves up for disaster?

    New parents. Some context: Been doing contact naps during day and allowing him to fall asleep in our arms at bedtime. Wakes up 630-7a, First nap - 930-10a, Second nap - 130-2p, Bedtime 7-730p *Starts part-time daycare in July so will likely adjust. Tried naps in crib and pack n play but...
  4. R

    What's your 1 nap schedule?

    My baby (toddler? Lol 14mo) is on one nap and he is doing okay. I'm still playing with the wake windows to figure out what's best. I thought moving to one nap would mean bedtime would be earlier, as on two naps we were pushing 8:30-9pm some days due to nap fighting. Some days we do end up...
  5. D

    Starting pre-K with a non napper

    Hi all, I’ve posted here about my 8 month old but now I need some advice on my almost 4 year old. She’ll be 4 in 2 weeks. She is going to start disability pre-K next week. She hasn’t napped for about a year but the pre-K class has nap time. I told the teacher that she doesn’t nap and the teacher...
  6. R

    Re-training 2 y/o?

    We somewhat sleep trained my daughter around 9 months, the same time we weaned her from night feedings. She has always had a sleep crutch bottle before bed though and still does to this day, but for the most part once she was in her crib she would put herself to sleep. After we had her somewhat...
  7. C

    Time to Drop to One Nap?

    Hi there! Our LO is 14-months-old and has been sleep trained since he was 4-months-old, after we transitioned him from his Snoo. He did amazing. We did Ferber, and he cried a bit, but mostly whined and we had a pretty great sleeper after that, which is great, because he was not getting any...
  8. K

    I’m f$&%ed, this is f&@?ed

    My daughter is almost 3 and I’m still sleeping with her. We were in a 1 bedroom apartment for the first 2.5 years of her life, and we’ve recently moved into a 2 bedroom, but she refuses to sleep alone. I put her to bed and then come to me and my husbands room, but she’ll wake up and start...
  9. B

    I nanny for an 13 month old who sleeps from 6:45/7 to 5 am and is now starting to refuse his 2nd nap

    He was taking nap 1 around 8:45 am for 1-1.5 hours, then nap 2 around 2/2:30 pm for 1.5-2 hours. I’m not there for nap 1 but mom says she doesn’t think he’d make it to a later nap time. Her and the dad have tried earlier and later bed times in hopes of him sleeping past 5 am (sometimes a little...
  10. T

    Sleep trained 15 m/o doesn’t sleep at grandparents

    My baby used to sleep at his grandparents and visits them every weekend and sometimes during the week but he REFUSES to sleep there now! He has been sleep trained since 6 months. We have a cozy nursery set up for him similar to his own room but we have to rock him for hours to fall asleep. He...
  11. S

    Sleep Training 14 mo

    H e l p. My (almost) 14 month old does NOT sleep through the night. He goes to bed independently and will sleep from bedtime (7:00) until 12/1/2/3am (depending on the night). When he wakes, he SCREAMS. I’ve tried leaving him for 15 minutes - 1 hour and he just never calms down. I end up going...
  12. R

    Please help me. My 1 year olds sleep makes me want to literally d*e

    I always knew having a baby meant less sleep but I had no idea how difficult it would be. My child is newly 1 now and her sleep is worse now more than ever. I sleep trained her a few months ago but that didn’t help much. She will sleep on her own perfectly from 8pm till 11pm and then screams...
  13. B

    2 to 1 nap transition help!

    Did I add wake time too quickly?! Age: 14 months next week Schedule: 5.75/5 We dropped to 1 nap about 3.5 weeks ago and are always running into new problems after several good days on a schedule. We were doing 3.25/3.75/4 on two naps but she was falling asleep closer to 3.25/4/4.25. Naps...
  14. J

    Bed/nap train 22 month old

    I used cry it out for my ticket when he was about 7 months, then we switched to a toddler bed and he’s been getting rocked to sleep. Here’s the problem- he’s been waking up super early at 6am (he used to wake up at 8:30-9) and he’s been napping for only 20 minutes. (I’ve tried 11, 12, 1 for nap...
  15. F

    2 under 2: Give me all your sleep advice

    Please share any and all wisdom you've learned for two little ones! We're expecting Baby in late spring, and LO (who is sleep trained) will be a little over a year and a half then.
  16. R

    Have we majorly messed up?

    Our 18-, almost 19-month old used to sleep through the night. Bedtime routine started at 7:30 with his bath, bedtime story, bottle, bed routine and him falling asleep between 8 and 9 p.m. sleeping through the night till we wake him up at 6:15 to get him ready for daycare. Lately he's been...
  17. J

    Any tips on how to sleep train a 1 year old who has bed shared since 6 months and breastfed every night of his life?

    I would be more than happy to keep bed sharing and breastfeeding at night until he decides he’s ready to stop, except I just found out I’m pregnant. I want to wean him and sleep train him before the new baby comes and I was hoping someone with a similar experience could share how they did it...