🐯 toddler 1-3 years

  1. R

    20mo starts feeding constantly at night

    The pattern for the last few months has been our 20 month old starts off in their bed 7.30 and comes into ours between 1 and 3am. She's fed and the sleeps on. It's exhausting for my partner at the best of times but it's seen working for us on the whole - the child is happy, is easily soothed, we...
  2. T

    Baby 2 coming...how to get 2 y/o to fall asleep independently for nap??

    ETA: UPDATE for anyone who might see this and go through the same thing... it's been 2 weeks since this post and my daughter is back to normal naps and bedtimes :) We didn't change anything, just continued to listen to our parental instincts and comfort her when needed (which was a lot, but...
  3. M

    My baby is 12 months. Can I fall asleep with her in my arms now?

    She's always been an awful sleeper, but she's sleeping EXTRA horribly right now, I don't know what's going on, I think growth spurt/teething. The only way she wanted to sleep last night was in my arms. She was restless and uncomfortable while cosleeping, cried when put down in her crib, etc...
  4. Y

    (Spoiler: Funny) The DANGERS of bed-sharing 👿

    No one warns you that you and your toddler will accidentally build a positive sleep-association to each other and every time you have a little cuddle on the bed or the couch, your toddler will nod off and take naps at the wrong time. And then you will have to fight your own eyelids from closing...
  5. O

    I usually love sweet cozy cosleeping with my toddler…except when she eats beans for dinner and spends the night farting

    P.U. Get me outta here.
  6. N

    What’s wrong with my routine

    Yall. I’m struggling. My 2.5 year old’s sleep is horrific right now. I know a lot of it can be chalked up to development, molars, and just being two… but I’d like to make sure all my bases are covered from my end. I own a childcare program and we need to be there at 9am weekdays. I’m able to...
  7. P

    He's sleeping through the night in the toddler bed 🤯

    I posted here a couple of months ago about weaning my cosleeping 2-year-old. Well I have an update. Almost immediately after he was weaned, my kid started sleeping through the night. But then his tossing and turning started getting really wild. He would crawl around the bed in a half sleep and...
  8. T

    Transitioning Woes

    Does anyone else feel ready to transfer baby out of your bed but too overwhelmed to commit? And by baby I mean a 20m old toddler. I've perused different methods, talked to several moms and tried to do what feels natural for us too but I'm just so overwhelmed with the process of transitioning...