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  1. M


    @thundergirl96 Sometimes they will try an abdominal first and then do a transvaginal if they can't see it, and sometimes they will start off with a transvaginal. I doubt they would just do an abdominal ultrasound and then give up if they can't see anything. What I could see at 8 weeks was just...
  2. M

    Giving in to fat vs pregnant belly

    @godswill4me I'm 20 weeks now and I've embraced the belly. I've always carried a lot of weight there and at first I felt uncomfortable, like if I told people I was pregnant they would look at my belly and assume I was a lot farther along. Now that it is firmer and rounder, I feel more okay about...
  3. M

    I don’t FEEL pregnant

    @doks I've been pregnant four times, one live birth, two miscarriages, and my current pregnancy. I will say that both miscarriages I had way worse morning sickness and I felt more pregnant compared to my successful pregnancy, when I had hardly any symptoms. This current pregnancy I have had some...