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  1. E

    Pregnancy pillows are overrated

    @olyvic i honestly feel like the pillow between my legs makes my hips hurt worse! i gave up on it
  2. E

    Does this sound like a reasonable and or normal to you life of a stay at home mom to a 2.5 year old?

    @xeonome i'm sorry what?? no. your husband needs to help manage the household and raise his child. this is unacceptable.. but its going to be hard to dig out of this. i wish you the best.
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    When do you have appointments for yourself??

    @barry61 can your husband say he has a dr appt and you take the first or last appt of the day? and then he watches kiddo. i know some jobs are terrible but hopefully they don't notice a couple extra appts a year :)
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    When do you have appointments for yourself??

    @kinai yeah this is a good idea. hopefully OPs husband job isn't crazy, i feel like most jobs can accommodate 15-30 min here or there