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    So unmotivated and sad

    @hawkangel Thank you! Just having a bummy day and I think I had an unrealistic goal of losing it all by end of summer so coming to terms with that
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    So unmotivated and sad

    @cafemochaplease Thank you! Atleast I’m not alone
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    So unmotivated and sad

    @jody I know this is all so true it’s just so tough. With my last I didn’t start to lose until 11 months pp then got pregnant again so I definitely don’t recognize myself at all. I don’t even know who I am. I’m mostly just tired of feeling so crappy due to being so heavy
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    So unmotivated and sad

    @wint Is this a structured one? If so I think I have that same one but haven’t tried it yet
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    So unmotivated and sad

    @wint I have a momcozy wrap but I really don’t like it at all and baby doesn’t like it either. I’ve heard a woven wrap may be better so I’m going to look into that but I think he may wake if jossled around
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    So unmotivated and sad

    My baby is three months old. I am the heaviest I have ever been at 5”0 and 155lbs. Pre pregnancy i was 110-115. I had two babies 21 months apart so I try to give myself grace (both C-sections) but I’m so frustrated and sad and unmotivated. He only contact naps so I’m on the couch the majority...
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    @adelmaryamibtisam Same. Literally made a similar post just now. I lost ten pounds immediately after delivery three months ago and NOT AN OUNCE since.