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  1. J

    Birth at 38 weeks?

    @nafia Hard to stay down with the two cutest babies hugging and kissing me all day!
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    Birth at 38 weeks?

    @nafia Yes I would've just gone with a scheduled c-section but only cause the ordeal, plus waking up with only one baby (twin B went to nicu), plus other stuff landed me in PTSD therapy! But otherwise, I am glad I got to experience a vaginal delivery cause it was awesome. I feel like I can do...
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    Birth at 38 weeks?

    @quaheem Hello & congrats!! I had my di/di boys at 38+2. Pregnancy was extremely wonderful except for a couple early months of morning sickness. Recovery from the births was also so amazingly quick and easy. But I was in labor 4 days and ended up delivering twin A vaginally & twin B via c-section 😳
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    Pregnant with twins and devastated

    @coolguy123 Di/di boys here, 10 months old now. Just came to say even if it's just one baby, you may still have all these same worries and concerns... may still have a c-section, may have one baby who screams day and night. I have my twins and they're absolute angels. My pregnancy was wonderful...
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    Even More Unsolicited Perspective - There is Hope!

    @mndad2 Rather lay in bed than to run around all day 🤣
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    Even More Unsolicited Perspective - There is Hope!

    @mndad2 I have 6 month old twin boys. Looking back, I loved the first 3 months and they were easier I think compared to now because it was just eat, sleep, poop. Some days I hardly ever got out of bed... just cuddled all day! Now I have to work to entertain them, make them food, etc. Although...
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    Make time for a relaxing bath..

    @transcon I'm starting to feel relaxed already just by reading this! 💙