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  1. B

    It’s ok if your nursery isn’t finished or doesn’t exist

    @sofie I talked to friends who told me their babies slept in mom and dad's room till they were one year old. Since my baby will be 3 or 4 months old when we move countries we decided to just put a crib next to our bed and have a corner dedicated to baby stuff and a changing station. I felt so...
  2. B

    Is it better to give my baby as much breast milk as possible in 6 months or space it out in smaller amounts for a year?

    @sagarjackey Anecdote but I lost quite a bit of weight during the first six months of breastfeeding BUT, my daughter had CMPA and I was too afraid to eat anything not homemade and I had no time to look up new recipes and make what I actually wanted to eat LOL. Someone else was cooking the main...
  3. B

    How do deal with limits of OPOL for a non native speaker?

    @fireblaze I think it’s interesting that all the things you listed are things I don’t know the name of in my own mother tongue that I speak fluently. I finished high school in my home country and even did some postgraduate studies later when I moved back, I just don’t know anything about...