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    Older twin parents - sleeping?

    @moore2014 Chasing.. so they think it’s a game
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    Older twin parents - sleeping?

    @moore2014 Forever ago I babysat kids that shared a room and it was pretty similar at bedtime. I decided that we all go in together, they get into bed, I said good night but then stayed in the room and read myself a book or magazine until they fell asleep. If anyone got up, without words I...
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    Parenting hacks?

    @marisasa Yup, we have 1 giant basket of just socks. I’m not matching them or folding them.
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    Very very mild symptoms at 6+5 with di/di twins. Minimal nausea. Concerned

    @grace92 I had a singleton pregnancy that I lost at 3 months pregnant. I was all the time nauseous with that pregnancy. I then went on and had 2 sets of twins with no nausea
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    Parenting hacks?

    @dp797 I do it for masks too. I have sting magnets that hold the bag to the machine, as soon as they get home from school, the mask goes in the bag
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    Parenting hacks?

    @dp797 Mom to 2 sets of twins 18 months apart. Every other day each set of twins got a bath together. So first set Monday, 2nd set Tuesday.... I enjoyed bath time because it was the only time I actually got to sit and do nothing while they played in the water. As newborns they either got a quick...
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    5 under 5?!?

    @daniel1986 I had 4 under 2, it’s doable if you have the patience
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    Update: The message I sent my therapist. This was hard for me to do, but thank y'all for giving me the courage. ♥️

    @djseb Becoming a mom is what helped me learn how to advocate for myself and for my kids. Fed is best! I do hope this therapist listens to you and changes their attitude
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    Just found out I’m having twins. I have a 1 and a 3 year old already and the panic is setting in

    @lalue I have twins and twins and they are 18 months apart, so I had 4 under 2. I was still in the baby stage when I had the 2nd set so it was easy to just keep the flow going. There were 2 things I did to make life easier for both me and the 1st set. I immediately set a newborn feeding schedule...
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    Spacing between #3 and #4?

    @bob999 And Ive got 4 and it’s expensive as hell. You’re talking about the cost of childcare. Go ahead and add another, as soon as you finish paying childcare fees you’ll be paying for driving lessons and insurance then college, you’ll never have a chance to rebound
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    Parenting big kids?

    @simsodep8883 I have 4, they are 14,14, 15,15. You’ll find that suddenly you’re no longer a parent but a glorified taxi. Your calendar on your phone will always be yelling at you reminding you of an event, practice, appointment, assembly, school function, play date and everything in between...
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    Spacing between #3 and #4?

    @bob999 Do you really want 5+ more years of childcare? Once the childcare costs go away, the expensiveness of kids never goes away. You’ll be paying for summer camps for the next 12+ years if not longer. Are these expenses you really want to continue with?