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    Would you send baby for settle sessions at nursery when there's a d and v bug?

    @47ford Thank you! I was like “…herpes?”
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    F the cult-like following of certain carrier brands (Happy Baby)

    @immanuelsdottir Yes! I innocently joined a B/S/T group for a carrier brand hoping to get a nice used sling to try— I’ve bought a ton of baby stuff in good condition used. Imagine my surprise when most slings were selling for over retail! It’s like they’re beanie babies or something.
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @vypr Yeah I was in a routine of handing my baby the receipt after checkout because he loves the crinkles and it makes him happy while I get us out of the store and load the car. Recently stopped when I learned about BPAs.