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    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    @darlene1 I like this. I'm considering signing him up for 1 hour of gymnastics next year. He'll get to socialize with kids his age and follow instructions from another adult, but it'll be 1/3 the cost of preschool. Also, we love our library storytimes.
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    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    @toysernis1 I have a 3 month old, so the longer I can avoid germs the better. Did your kids transition okay to Kindergarten? Or do you expect that they will?
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    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    @dardenel It's a bit confusing because most care centers call the 3 year old classroom "preschool". But I think you're totally right, that it is just daycare.
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    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    @wrath427 Ah thank you for the comment and sharing your experience. I'm feeling better about life already lol
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    Did anyone start Preschool at 4 instead of 3?

    I'm looking into preschool for my now 2.5 year old, but even sending him part time would be a financial challenge. Did anyone wait until their child was 4 to start Preschool?