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    Optimizing natural fertility: review of recommendations

    @akblessings Not Dev, but I think the biggest indicator of an issue would be if you're regularly ovulating or not. To my knowledge, the biggest risk of chronically undereating/being underweight is hypothalamic amenorrhea, which would be really apparent because you wouldn't be having a regular cycle.
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    Anyone on here who’s partner isn’t an abusive a-hole?

    @vigilantrogue Those of us with good partners have fewer reasons to post. I wouldn’t expect your husband to suddenly turn into a different person out of nowhere. I was primarily a housewife before our baby was born. It worked great for us. My husband is amazing, works hard at his job, pitches...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @kimrossie I think it really comes down to lifestyle. It sounds like what you’re wanting is better suited for house B but living in a walkable neighborhood is crucial to me being happy as a SAHM so I’d personally pick house A. There’s no wrong answer though!
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    Changing b.c. before trying

    @luvmylord2 I’d be really hesitant to double up on hormonal birth control because of the potential side effects. Could you practice taking a vitamin at the same time everyday instead, then just add your birth control pill in when you’re ready to take the nexaplon out? Also I get wanting to get...
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    Changing b.c. before trying

    @skyfox Yep. DH and I made the compromise that we’ll wait until the fall to switch to FAM so any due dates for an oopsie would be after I graduate from school, but once that happens I’m not going back. I’ll have a full year or more to focus on getting my body prepped for TTC! I know that’s...
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    Changing b.c. before trying

    @skyfox Super agreed with your last paragraph. It breaks my heart how many times women are told to wait into my the very last minute to go off birth control without being told the realities that it can take up to 18 months for a perfectly healthy woman’s cycle to return to normal, and that HBC...
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    I need help - baby is not gaining weight

    @apa Supplement with formula then see an IBCLC to see if they can help figure out what’s going on. The formula supplementing doesn’t have to be forever, but your baby needs to eat.
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    How? 4, 5, 6 kids? Enlighten me please

    @despet93 Also, that same couple that got out of debt, bought a house, then had 3 kids could also have 6. I’m surprised by the number of comments assuming that all big families are drowning in debt. The big families I know are either relatively wealthy and/or super frugal. So bizarre that I’m...
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    X-posted from r/tfab, who already has names picked out?

    @mariet9 My husband and I picked out names on our honeymoon for fun. We still discuss them here and there. We want to use family names, so there’s really no harm in choosing them early since trends and other things won’t really impact it. We also don’t plan on finding out if we’re having a boy...
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    How? 4, 5, 6 kids? Enlighten me please

    @despet93 Our plan is to evaluate one kid at a time, with the thinking we’ll end up with 3-4 bio kids and potentially foster or adopt, too Growing up surrounded by big families definitely makes it seem less intimidating!
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    How? 4, 5, 6 kids? Enlighten me please

    @wyatt1111 Yeah, I can totally see that. I also see a lot of my high school classmates going into careers that their parents were in that still have good earning potential, like engineering, nursing etc. And a lot of them are on their way to having bigger families themselves. Also I recognize...
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    How? 4, 5, 6 kids? Enlighten me please

    @despet93 Honestly, I went to Catholic school all the way up until college, so it wasn’t until adulthood that I realized most people don’t think a family with 5 kids is normal 😂 I can name several families with 5+ kids off the top of my head, some with as many as 8 or 9. You make it work. Hand...
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    How? 4, 5, 6 kids? Enlighten me please

    @maggiecutajar I wouldn’t say that’s the “typical” one reason people homeschool. Just like anything, the people on the fringes tend to have the loudest voices ;)
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    House shopping meltdown: anyone else struggling with the milestones in the way of TTC?

    @fruitb To be fair, we’ve checked houses off our list for not having a garage that fits my car— it feels like somewhere I’d definitely end up having frustration and potentially resentment build up never being able to park in my own garage. But also, hinging even discussing when marriage and...