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  1. L

    She isn’t a morning person

    @gregbishop Yes. I’ve introduced “grounding” to try to avoid my instinct to yell or spank. I’ve noticed it has worked a lot! I agree about meaning what I say and saying what I mean! I have tried to explain how not getting ready leads to mommy being late and then mommy not having her job...
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @gregbishop Everyday is different when you’re raising kids, haha!
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @gregbishop Yes that is how I explain the concept to my daughter.
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @whoisjrsmith Yes, I’m trying to be a better parent, too! I want to avoid that outcome because I love mornings so I would hate to see her grow to despite them due to my frustrations. Thank you so much!
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @slaw7777 I am starting to think she is just a slow riser. Once fully awake (in the car normally), she is bubbly and talkative. It’s just the initial waking up, getting ready etc. I think that’s why I wanted to reach out for alternatives because I’m seeing my anger is pointless and making her...
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @redeemed234 Yes, follow through is so important. I appreciate your input and ideas! Baby girl may have to go to school lookin’ like a hot mess if it’s getting too tough. Not worth the fight! Thank you, thank you!
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @katrina2017 It might have to be done!!! I’ve seen this idea pop up a few times. Thank you for your input, truly!
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @godhelpme1999 Oh gosh, I know the struggle! Thank you for solidarity, it feels good to know I’m not alone.
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @saidagha Yes, I’ve tried giving her choices but sometimes that only does so much! I love the idea of getting ready together, I think that will make her feel more “grown up” and like mommy. I really, really love the way you framed it at the end. I am going to be using that from now on, it’s...
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @themaccauk11 We picked our clothes out together just now, I’m hoping it will help the morning struggle! We may have to just start our routine earlier to ease her waking up! Might be that I rush her too quickly out of deep sleep. Thank you so much!
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @princess34 Thank you so very much! I needed the affirmation. :)
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @childofgod_2448 A few other parents mentioned this too! I’ll have to see what they say. Thank you for the support! I needed this after a hard morning.
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @nigey777 Yeah, I was a bit worried about her oversleeping. Not sure if that’s a thing, haha! Thank you for the support and bits of advice! You are appreciated!
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @ngansale Will try to get her to bed earlier than 7:30 and see how that helps. Also, I’m not perfect nor do I claim to be. I’m learning to break generational toxicity. Thank you for the comment.
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @lancezz1985 I will try the leggings or sweats to ease the process! I notice that’s when she gets the most upset, when I try to change her. Thank you for the advice!
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @freddie Bedtime routine is pretty consistent. We change into jammies, she plays with her uncles (which are her age) and then we lay down for bed. She likes to listen to a Sleepcast on Headspace to fall asleep. I’ve found that gets her to bed quickly without actual screen time. I love the idea...
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @joylakala What a great idea!! I love the concept of making it a game or challenge. Not sure about the pajamas to school and another person mentioned the same thing! I’ll be inquiring tomorrow, thank you very much!!
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    She isn’t a morning person

    @question123 Yes I do! I learned quickly that rushing in the morning only makes it worse so I prep everything the night before! Thank you for the kind words, you are appreciated!
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    She isn’t a morning person

    Hi everyone! This is my first post ever on Reddit but I am S-T-R-U-G-G-L-I-N-G! I posted this to Facebook so I’m just copying and pasting what I wrote! For context, I am middle school teacher and I have to be at work by 7:30AM (super early, trust me, I know!) I am also a single mommy doing...