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  1. C

    What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

    @chris999 Hope things improve for you mate, hopefully you get through this and you’ll be a better family for doing so :)
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    Don’t expect your babies to do things they haven’t been shown

    @mamma1 My baby is not in any kind of daycare, but I’d bet it’s great for developing babies and toddlers. Where better to learn than a room with peers of their own age!
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    What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

    @guilhermeelias No not really, if you had any idea how prescribed cannabis worked in the UK you might realise how stupid this post is, I had to demonstrate a list of previous medications that where not effective along with x amount of therapy sessions. You come across extremely arrogant here...
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    What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

    @guilhermeelias I specifically wrote in my post that I do not do that and a lot on here have also said they don’t, this is the issue I guess with it being classed as a medication and it’s stigma
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    Don’t expect your babies to do things they haven’t been shown

    @whiteisfamily Yep, as I say it’s idiotic and i feel incredibly stupid but until my partner said it I couldn’t break the negative thought process that she was delayed in something
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    What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

    @newlychristian Oh I know , I wouldn’t drink and drive either but if I had to pick which would make me a worse driver, weed would a 100 percent result in me dying in a car crash.
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    What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

    @richardj Do you partake in either of them on any type or regular or semi regular basis ?
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    What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

    Coming here to ask this as it’s as good place to get some others views without being instantly judged as an ass hole… I hope! So I have a 10 month old and last year I was accepted as a cannabis patient legally in the Uk which is still a new thing here and I have been put on due to low mood...
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    Don’t expect your babies to do things they haven’t been shown

    @katrina2017 What thing was you doing to help crawling? My girl does a weird half crawl thing to get around and doesn’t do the typical upper body arms extended style. I set her things around the room to move towards but is there other things you can give tips on
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    Don’t expect your babies to do things they haven’t been shown

    @freddyfreddo No it’s likely because you spent some time demonstrating it I’d think.
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    Don’t expect your babies to do things they haven’t been shown

    Sounds stupid when you read that tittle but it applied to me recently , constantly i over analyse my 10 month old and read what she should and should not be doing. In my weekly reading recently I saw my baby should be gesturing in forms of waving and able to clap… I then concerned she hadn’t...
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    Im at about 2 weeks now with 2/3 hours of broken sleep. I’m now in work on a 12 hour shift

    Iv never felt exhaustion to this extent, my job involves managing groups of people and I can’t have a conversation im that tired. Any tips ? Iv had 2 energy drinks and feel like it’s made it worse. My baby is 16 months and has slept great until recently, really eating my words here when iv...