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  1. G

    Prince Lionheart + cloth wipes - bacteria concerns?

    @egram The mold you’re talking about via the orange spots is from the bacteria Serratia marcescens, it’s the same bacteria that grows the orange/pink scum in areas like the shower/tub or bathroom areas. It is essentially harmless as it lives on human skin, however I wouldn’t want to be willingly...
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    Pocket Diaper Leaking

    @osh This happens to us with pocket diapers if I don’t change my 12mo in less than 2 hours. 2 hours is the absolute maximum length of time before she starts leaking also around the legs, so I typically keep it around 90 minutes but that leads me to believe it’s an absorbency issue. You could try...
  3. G

    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @defoehorses I’ve seen that about borax too, but unfortunately the alternative (mineral build up, or diapers not getting clean enough because of such) with water as hard as ours is virtually worse. I sadly learned the hard way, it was burning my poor baby’s skin and it took me quite awhile to...
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @defoehorses Well okay you’re right borax is just sodium tetraborate, and even the most popular or well known brand 20 Mule Team Borax does not have any scent or fragrance listed on the box. I used that until I found the Charlie’s hard water treatment but the ingredients are indeed different -...
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    Diaper rash is inevitable

    @cathya We were much more rash prone in disposables than we are now in cloth. If she gets a rash now it’s always circumstantial - traveling and in disposables, sneaky, looser poop during sleep times that I didn’t know about, teething (idk why it gives her a rash but it does, literally every time...
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    Very hard water folks - what do you use for powder detergent?

    @defoehorses I use Biokleen powder, but I have to add borax to every load or I’ll end up with mineral build up, I learned the hard way. Our water is just as hard as yours. I use Charlie’s brand of borax, it does not have a scent.
  7. G

    Switching to fitteds (Esembly) at 8 months old?

    @lcnolen2022 I feel the opposite, esembly is super super bulky on my mobile 9 month old. You can see her kinda shift her butt around when she sits and you can tell she’s like sitting on a wad, she protests the esembly diapers but doesn’t with pockets. The more she moves around the more they seem...