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  1. H

    Why should I not let my baby “use me as a human pacifier”

    @yoshinat0r That‘s ridiculous. Pacifiers are literally just nipple dupes. Your breast is the one true pacifier for your Baby.
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    Scared about vaginal birth.

    @misha100 I had two vaginal deliveries and one appendix removal. The appendix wound just didn’t heal. Fat tends to healt slower than muscles and skin. I had to get a „drainage“ because there was fluid under my skin. It was the worst. My vagina healed pretty fast though. I‘m 8 weeks pp on...
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    Plus size pregnancy

    @thundergirl96 Besides one midwife who was unkind on the phone because of my weight, I had only positive encounters in both my pregnancies!
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    B Belly

    @forevereternal I had a B-Belly for most of my pregnancies, but the last weeks I looked beautifully pregnant, I loved it! Made the last weeks definitely more enjoyable 😄 This is...
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    Plus size maternity clothes UK

    @venomluv Isn’t Yours Clothing from UK?
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @y0ung1996 My first is 2;10 now and besides not wanting to leave our bed (like - ever! He cries if I offer him his own bed for sleeping), he sleeps through the night, is weaned and wakes up with a smile on his face. It will get better. For us, weaning was a big step forward, because he started...
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    Positive Induction stories?

    @7caldwell Girl, are you me? I‘m due on march 8 and they want me to be induced by then if he won’t come out by himself. He‘s absolutely HUGE they say and I had covid while pregnant, so thats 2 reasons to induce. I was induced with my first 9 days after my DD. I hoped to give birth more...