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  1. V

    Realistically, is your newborn (7 weeks) going down for naps every 3 hrs after their feed?

    @texfire316 Well when I say schedule, I just loosely mean they are eating every three hours and I cap Naps at 2hrs. The only thing I really got advice for was the when to consider it bed time and when to give a bath. But yes I’m flexible with it.
  2. V

    Realistically, is your newborn (7 weeks) going down for naps every 3 hrs after their feed?

    @amen247365 Can you tell me what that looked like when you just followed cues? I’m sure you saw a pattern emerge..cuz I manually had to cap naps since she was doing more than 2 hrs usually
  3. V

    Realistically, is your newborn (7 weeks) going down for naps every 3 hrs after their feed?

    @david03 Has he ever gone beyond 2 hrs? See I used to just let her be first three weeks and then she started to sleep past 2 hrs like even 5 which is why I had to take measures.
  4. V

    Realistically, is your newborn (7 weeks) going down for naps every 3 hrs after their feed?

    My 7.5 week old has been pretty good w naps so far. So good that in the beginning (first 3 weeks), she would even nap up to 5 hrs and I thought I hit the lottery..until week 4 where she started to cluster feed from midnight to early morning and I realized that her day and night was switched...