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  1. C

    How to combat sudden drop in exposure in the minority language?

    @aldredian Most kids develop pre-reading skills ages 3-6, so no worries. Pushing them to read or anything academic doesn't generally help. Setting the stage for reading definitely takes years 😅 but it is so so satisfying when they do start reading. The theory behind teaching reading in Chinese...
  2. C

    How to combat sudden drop in exposure in the minority language?

    @aldredian You're doing great! (Almost) 3 years of teaching and your son is navigating bilingualism as well as he can be! If I were you I would: 1) get more mandarin kids books for home. 1.1) maybe see about simple characters that he can recognize like 1-10 or other ideograms with few...
  3. C

    So tired of being gaslighted when I say I had a traumatic birthing experience *TRIGGER WARNING*

    @hyacynthia What is traumatic for her might not be traumatic for you. What is traumatic for you might not be traumatic for her. The issue is this person's lack of empathy on the matter. I'm sorry, and I hope you can either tell them that or are able to find people in your life who can support...