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  1. S

    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 Wow that sounds overwhelming. I do about a load a day. At night (most nights) I do a 10 min tidy, walkthrough and pick up trash and laundry and whatever else I have time for. I also make sure nothing is sitting wet at this time. Usually. Above my washer dryer there are several...
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    So am I just never going to wear a “normal bra” again until I’m done?

    @robberbaron85 Do you have to buy the bra from them or can I use my old... bras... from before I had giant boobs.... Nvm
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    No Screens Possible for Short Flight with 13 month old?

    @lostinthepast We did it at that age with no screens on the way there, but on the way back we had a little bit of ms Rachel that we watched, (I think?) I'm not sure we did need it. It was good to have just as a backup. We do very occasional screens (like when we are all sick, last time was...
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    Raising child trilingual (OPOL) when parents don’t speak each others language

    @aldredian The "yes and" approach... Yes you are right!! It's a gitab in hindi. It is also called a book. Or w/e My inlaws are driving me a bit crazy. They think by saying the word LOUDER and faster the kid will understand. He's 18 mos.
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @capriccio We try to go out every day for a few hours. just a change of scenery does him wonders. But yeah a paid activity every day adds up quick. Id say we get out 3-4 weekdays/week, Saturday we are at home but have people over, and Sunday we go to temple. Park, playground, hiking trail...
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @annae Lots of great ideas!! You may want to speak to the People In Charge of the 2-5 programs to see if your kid can go anyways. Our library has a baby time 0-18 mos, then a toddler time that starts at 2 years. 24-36 mos, with nothing from 18-24. The baby time has infants who can't walk and...