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  1. T

    Putting them down for a nap?

    @chris77 They will fuss and eventually start crying. I’ve tried putting them down drowsy but awake and settling them down in the crib but it eventually leads to fussing/crying. We basically have to put them down when they are in deep sleep :(
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    Feelings you’d have twins..?

    @twinmum No, but funnily enough my ex-MIL used to tell me I’d have twins - she was a bit of an oddball who claimed some clairvoyance but I never paid any attention to that. Her son and I ended up divorcing, I found someone else and now we have twins lol
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    Putting them down for a nap?

    @jinetakosa None of them like the bouncer, thus far both need some contact to be able to fall asleep
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    Putting them down for a nap?

    Hi all, FTM of 7-wo b/g twins currently on survival mode! Since the beginning of my pregnancy I’ve seen many posts here recommending to keep the babies on the same schedule (feedings, naps etc). So far we haven’t managed to pull that off due to the simple fact that we can’t figure out how to...
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    PLS S.W.A.P

    @gimmick Same here! I’m only reading PLS now (my babies are 4 months already) and noticed that we already did some of the things recommended, like consistent bedtime routine, age appropriate wake times and FIO. The FIO in the end turned into a bit of Ferber with pick it up put it down but now...