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  1. C

    late 8 days or more (irregular period)

    @fullmoon i would say like march 20th . i’ve also had sex several other days but with a condom + pullout.
  2. C

    late 8 days or more (irregular period)

    @shybow okay ty .do you know if ovulation tests are accurate? idk if i should get one to see if im ovulating or if its pointless at this point .
  3. C

    late 8 days or more (irregular period)

    Hi yall. im 19y(f) basically the monday after easter on april 2nd i got food poisoning/stomach flu so i threw up one day and had nausea and diarrhea that whole week w severe stomach pains like when food was bad n just didn’t sit right. . once i got better i decided to take a test because i was...