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    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    @knoton Good luck 🙂 hope she feels better
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    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    @tkim2409 I am so impressed by women who work manual jobs while pregnant. Even with an uneventful pregnancy it must be exhausting! As much as my wife has enjoyed the pregnancy, even just walking for more than about 1-2kms totally wears her out. And she’s needed at least one nap per day from...
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    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    @joellemarie197 That story was a roller coaster! Glad it all turned out well in the end though.
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    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    @tod64 Yeah my wife is a bit like that too. She doesn’t want to make other women who have had more difficult pregnancies feel bad. That was actually why I asked the question. I figured there might be a lot more like that who don’t speak up. Plus I thought it would be nice to hear some positive...
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    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    @lapiito That sounds awful! Glad it’s cleared up for you. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for my wife. She’s 33 weeks on Monday, though we are having a girl!
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    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    @lapiito Sorry what’s PUPPPS? And out of curiosity, when did it turn up?
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    A few tips from first time Dad fresh from the hospital

    @sanctified112 Damn right they are! Glad to hear she’s doing well.
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    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    @xelador Haha I most certainly do! And in more ways than just this 😁
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    A few tips from first time Dad fresh from the hospital

    @sanctified112 Oh I’m sorry man. That was unintentionally rude of me. Sorry about that, and I hope she’s doing better now.
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    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    @wisdomspy This is great to hear! My wife was pretty nervous about labour for a while, but after doing a birth class with an absolutely wonderful midwife, she’s feeling pretty good about it now 🙂 My instincts are that it’ll be a smooth labour (well, as smooth as a labour can be anyway 😅) and...
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    A few tips from first time Dad fresh from the hospital

    @sanctified112 7 days? What the hell? Which country do you live in? Literally nobody stays in hospital in Australia (in the public system anyway) for 7 days unless they’re dying! I know someone who had a complex pregnancy (retinas started detaching a couple of months in) and birth (c-section as...
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    Anyone else’s wife absolutely love being pregnant?

    It seems all I see on Reddit and hear IRL is stories about complicated pregnancies, fights, etc. Not so much here on r/predaddit, but just generally. My wife loves being pregnant. She’s 32+4 now, so not long to go. All three trimesters she’s had a great time. Stress levels have been low, no...