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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @caleb_m Fingers crossed! ❤️🤞🏼
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @caleb_m Oh yeah, btw, I got pregnant I posted here bc I had 3 mature follicles But I might have one baby too haha
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    Just found out I’m 2-3 weeks pregnant

    @hopefulchristiana Congratulations! You are more than 2-3 weeks pregnant. Take prenatal - look for DHA, folic acid (minimum 400mcg), keep hydrated and go day by day. Schedule an appt with an OB. I am 5w5d and have sore boobs, that is the only thing. Had some cramping at 4w3d.
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @caleb_m ❤️❤️
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @caleb_m Awwwww my first one will be at 5w4d to check placement!! It will be on the 29th! So happy for youuuu
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @caleb_m Aww! Update me here ❤️❤️❤️
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @caleb_m Hope all went well
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    AMH and AFC? Are they correlated? + hysteroscopy Q

    @judd04 Correct, my mistake! I read fast and made a mistake. To my knowledge the HSG is more complete? Hysteroscopy would evaluate the cavity and HSG would tell about the tubes, the cavity… I also read that for some reason the perception of pain is lower in HSG than hysteroscopy. Again, only did...
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @caleb_m Did you end up pregnant?
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    AMH and AFC? Are they correlated? + hysteroscopy Q

    @judd04 AFC is the number of follicles measuring 2-10 mm in size from both ovaries. AMH is detected in the primordial follicle and achieves peak level in the small antral follicle. The AMH level indicates the number of growing follicles, and this level can be used to determine the prognosis of...
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @zeezee So you got pregnant with the follicles???
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @zeezee Me? No. I trigger yesterday and doing timed intercourse. I have 3 follicles but will only know if pregnant in 2 weeks. So anxious!
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @zeezee Just saw this! Sorry! Curious to see!
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @zeezee Did you end up pregnant? How many babies?
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @kj_oregon Wowww hahaha omg
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    IUI Gonal-F Letrozole 4 mature follicles

    @simoelguerdy One follicle has one egg. You must have had 3 follicles and maybe one hiding! ❤️