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  1. S

    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @lukewilliameckert Yeah sounds really similar. Like I worry I’m “allowing” her to get so much of her feeding done at night and creating this habit in her. Not worried about longterm issues but obv I’d prefer her to eat during the day and to get longer stretches again! I’m sorry you’re going...
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    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @neostarwcc That’s a good idea to make sure it’s fuller feeds. I’m definitely guilty of letting her do a quick one if it means both of us falling asleep faster! Considering bringing the floor bed my partner is currently sleeping on in her nursery into our room and putting here there and then...
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    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @craigbrickhill I am nursing side lying, and sometimes I do fall back asleep but sometimes I can’t get comfy! My partner is willing to take her in the night but I only ask when I’m having a hard time since then he’s awake whereas I can usually sleep with her. He does take her most mornings for...
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    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @dinkold She’s been drooling a ton for the past ~6 weeks but no other signs of teeth. we did Tylenol one night earlier this week and it didn’t seem to make any difference.
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    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @gigaquad Thank you so much!! lol cracking up at 50 million feeds. Felt that way sometimes! I’m definitely getting more sleep now that she’s in my bed. The night length is so hard! She’s started to go with an earlier bedtime so the nights are probably ~11 hrs but we’re definitely not pushing...
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    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @gigaquad Thank you, I do need to remind myself she’s probably just genuinely hungry. When did your baby go down to two feeds?
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    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    Hi! My baby is 6 months and we’ve been cosleeping on and off since she was a few weeks old but consistently for the past two months. From 3-4 months she did fairly well in her bassinet next to the bed, eating 0-2 times between 10 and 6 the average night. Since she’s been back in bed with me...