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  1. F

    How can you afford it?

    @puddingtader We honestly can’t really afford it. We scrimp and save and borrow and once the kids are in school we will be able to both work and hopefully pay off the debt quickly.
  2. F

    Tipping Daycare Teachers

    @katrina2017 We have 10 teachers between all 3 kids, they each get $10. Feeling a little bad about it now, but something is better than nothing. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  3. F

    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @zofran My first kid had warm bottles so we had to warm the milk for the first few months, it was such a pain. Second kid got cold formula right away and has been fine with it!
  4. F

    Triple feeding to EFF: I need help, both strategies and emotionally…

    @zofran I did triple feeds for two weeks and then stopped, it was insane. Second, cold bottles are totally fine AND easier to switch to milk when they are a year! 😎
  5. F

    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    PS, my tired brain initially thought you were talking about Formula Fed (FF) and I was so confused. 😂
  6. F

    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @pulickalbrothers Yes. Long story short, we switched at 2.5 so that she would stop puking on herself on the way to daycare. I thought of it in terms of, “I know it’s bad for her to puke everyday, whereas it’s unlikely for us to get in an accident, whereas we may or may not ever get into an...