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  1. L

    Don’t like “sharing” the baby

    Anyone else struggle with allowing others to handle the baby? I’m a FTM of an 8 week old, and we brought him to my in-law’s this weekend for my husband’s family to meet him, and I’ve really struggled. I feel like I have to let everyone have their time with him, because they live 4 hours from us...
  2. L

    When to expect “firsts”

    I’m a FTM of a 5 week old, and I’m wondering when did y’all’s babies first starting smiling at you, or laughing? My baby app told me that at 5 weeks my baby “should” start smiling at us, but right now he only smiles when he’s sleeping, and I was just wondering what everyone else’s experiences...
  3. L

    C-Section Tenderness

    @secretniqabi Yes!! Now that you mention it, it is in the area where my stretch marks are
  4. L

    C-Section Tenderness

    Hey all! FTM here who had to have an emergency c-section. It’s been 3 weeks, and I’m feeling almost 100%, my incision is healing nicely, but I’m still experiencing quite a bit of tenderness/burning feeling on my skin down there. It isn’t the scar itself, that’s basically numb, but the skin on my...